
  • 网络sound frequency;voice frequency
  1. 该结果提示,复杂声环境下听皮层神经元对声音频率信息的编码既与神经元本身的频率调谐特性有关,也与声刺激背景的声学特性有关。

    The results suggest that the encoding of sound frequency information by auditory cortex neurons in a complex acoustic environment is influenced by both the frequency tuning of the neurons and the sound stimulus context .

  2. 我们这里指的汽车异响是指声音频率明显高于汽车各零件间正常摩擦产生的声音的异音。

    The automobile abnormal sound mentioned here refers to the abnormal sound whose sound frequency is significantly higher than that of the friction coming from automobile components .

  3. 研究表明,声反应潜伏期也可编码声音频率和强度,但尚不清楚潜伏期编码这两个参数究竟发生于哪一级听觉核团。

    Some studies showed that response latency may represent frequency and intensity too .

  4. 这促使女性声音频率范围比男性的更为广泛。

    This causes a more complex range of sound frequencies than in a male voice .

  5. 通过声谱图对比发现,科希克发出的声音频率与饲养员金中干的非常相似。

    Spectrograms show Kosik 's voice frequency when he makes human sounds is similar to his keeper 's.

  6. 长须鲸的声音频率是20赫兹,座头鲸更高一点。

    Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 hertz , while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies .

  7. 只不外这只孤傲的鲸,它的声音频率偏偏就不属于任一种鲸群。

    The tracks of the lone whale do not match the migration patterns of any other species , either .

  8. 人类耳朵对声音频率和声压级的感应范围很广。

    There is a remarkably wide range of frequencies and sound pressure levels over which the human ear can detect .

  9. 新的公式在低频时将简化为通常的正弦定理,而随着声音频率的增加,声像位置将与声音的频率有关。

    At low frequency , this equation can be simplified to the stereo law of sines , but as the frequency increases the sound image position has reference to frequency .

  10. 尽管这种活动主要存在于无线电声音频率分区的超低频区域,我们还是能够通过听觉来捕捉到它。

    Existing predominantly , in the Very Low Frequency part of the radio spectrum that corresponds with the audio frequency range , we can experience this activity as audible sound .

  11. 另一方面,由于人类听觉对声音频率的选择接收特性,边界条件对结构辐射声响度的影响与对物理声的影响有很大不同。

    On the other hand , because of the frequency selectivity of human hearing , the effects of boundary conditions on sound quality are different from the one on physical sound .

  12. 麦克风还具有一个最佳的繁殖和清晰的声音频率范围扩展响应,而一些特别的冲击,安装允许麦克风元素运动处理噪音大大降低。

    The mic also features an extended frequency range response for optimum reproduction and clear sound , while special shock-mounting allows movement of the mic element to greatly reduce handling noise .

  13. 该研究小组还发现,有几个社会使用波斯语、土耳其语和萨波特克语的人用来描述音调或声音频率的形容词是粗和细,而不是英语和荷兰语使用者说的高和低。

    The team also found that several communities speakers of Persian , Turkish and Zapotec used different metaphors than English and Dutch speakers to describe pitch , or frequency : Sounds were thin or thick rather than high or low .

  14. 该研究小组还发现,有几个社会——使用波斯语、土耳其语和萨波特克语的人——用来描述音调或声音频率的形容词是粗和细,而不是英语和荷兰语使用者说的高和低。

    The team also found that several communities - speakers of Persian , Turkish and Zapotec - used different metaphors than English and Dutch speakers to describe pitch , or frequency : Sounds were thin or thick rather than high or low .

  15. 文中还给出了频率上限(1500Hz~1700Hz),当声音的频率高于此上限时,单靠双耳相位差就难以决定立体声的声像位置。

    A frequency high-limit ( 1500 ~ 1700Hz ) is assumed . When the frequency of sound is higher than this limit , it is difficult to determin the sound image position by simply using the binaural phase difference .

  16. 声音的频率也高于或者低于

    vocalizations could extend above or below

  17. 一个声音的频率定义了它的音调,低调比高调振动少。//是该这么翻译吗?

    The frequency of a sound defines what its pitch is ; lower-pitched sounds resonate less than higher-pitched sounds .

  18. 一只孤独的鲸,因为自己声音的频率和其他鲸不一样,因此十二年来一直过着孤身一人,没有知音的生活。

    A lone whale with a voice unlike any other has been wandering the Pacific for the past 12 years .

  19. 贝尔实验室的任何一个工程师,对降低声音的频率范围都很熟悉,因为电话会削去4000Hz以上的声音。

    Any Bell Labs engineer would be familiar with the idea of reducing the frequency range of speech , since the telephone cut off sound above 4000 Hz .

  20. 使用文件流方式处理音频,通过改变声音的频率,共振峰,压缩和扩展时间帧频实现了声音的变化。

    Using the stream data processing and distorting audios . Through changing the frequency of the sound , formants , time compression and expansion to achieve the voice changing .

  21. 分析偏好性与声音样本频率之间的相关关系,找到影响声品质偏好性的频率分布范围,为声品质的改善提供参考。

    After the analysis the relationship between frequency and the preference level , we find the frequency ranges that affect the sound quality which can provide reference for the improvement of sound quality .

  22. 一种Eureka-147数字声音广播系统频率捕获算法

    A Novel Frequency Acquisition Algorithm in Eureka-147 Digital Audio Broadcasting ( DAB ) System

  23. 催产素可改善豚鼠对声音强度、频率变化的辨别能力

    Oxytocin improves discrimination ability to the change in sound frequency and intensity in guinea pigs

  24. 好在这些声音是超声波频率,所以我们听不到这些声音。

    The good news is that because this call has an ultrasonic frequency , we are unable to hear it .

  25. 那是因为不规则的波形曲线事实上由多个规则波形曲线叠加起来的,而每一个代表着声音的不同频率。

    That 's because the erratic squiggle is , effectively , the sum of a number of much more regular squiggles , which represent different frequencies of sound .

  26. 这也解释了为何人们认为猫发出的呼噜声是一种开心的声音:这个频率不但对猫有好处,亦令人类感到心情愉悦。

    That might also explain why we take it to be a happy sound , as the frequency is not just beneficial for the cat - it tends to make us happier as well .

  27. 在听觉中枢系统中,动物听觉中枢处理声音强度和频率及其它时空特征主要是通过神经元回路兴奋性和抑制性传入冲动的相互作用进行的。

    In the central auditory system , the information of the frequency , intensity , temporal and spectral properties involved in the sound signal is processed through the complex integration of the excitatory and inhibitory interaction of the neural circuits .

  28. 例如,如果一个声音信号的频率不超过2000赫兹,那么每秒4000次采样就可以足够精确地表征该信号,并能得到一条通过所有采样点的曲线。

    If , for instance , the sound signal were restricted to frequencies less than 2000 Hz , then a sample taken 4000 times a second would be exactly enough to reconstitute the signal . There would be precisely one curve of the stated frequency restriction that passed through all the sampled points .

  29. 声音(即使是频率超出人耳识别范围的声音也行)被送入水中,水就会相应地震动。

    Sound-even at frequencies humans can 't hear-is directed at the water .

  30. 我们的耳朵能够听到的大多数声音,其振动频率都在每秒钟几百次左右。

    Most of the sounds we hear have frequencies of around several hundred vibrations a second .