
  1. 摘要先秦两汉散文经常出现以声观气事象,根据人的声音判断生命力的强弱及其功能属性。

    The proses of the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties often have the images which judge the strength of vitality and their functional attributes according to the voice .

  2. 本文阐述了歌唱中呼吸和呼吸支持力的重要性,提出了歌唱中呼吸支持力与声音的高低、强弱、连顿、感情表现之间的关系问题。

    After discussing the importance of breath and breath support in singing , the author elaborates on the relation between the support and the following factors in singing : the pitch , the volume and intensity , the continuity and pause of a voice and the expression of emotion .

  3. 在目前越来越强调生活质量的社会里,人们对声质量的要求也越来越高,某种情况下声音质量比声音的强弱更重要。

    In the modern society , where people want more and more high level of sound , sound quality is more important than sound level .