
  • 网络acoustical energy;sound energy
  1. 近场声能量分析

    Analysis of Sound Energy in Near-Field

  2. 本文在分析声场声能量分布的基础上,应用声线的概念,由此对声场中的负声强作出了几何解释。

    On the basis of analysis of sound energy distribution in sound field , the concept of sound streamline which has some similarities to the velocity streamline used in fluid dynamics is offered , and the negative sound intensity is explained geometrically by it in this paper .

  3. 空间有源消声的声能量流研究

    Study on sound energy distribution of active noise reduction in 3D space

  4. 振动表面局部辐射性质与声能量辐射:Ⅰ.理论

    Local characteristic and acoustical energy of radiation on vibrating surface : ⅰ . Theory

  5. 在强无规噪声场中有规声能量的抑制

    The suppression of the energy of a regular sound in an intense random noise field

  6. 针对矩形板分析了声能量辐射和传递,数值计算结果与理论结果一致。

    For a rectangular plate , the radiation and transfer of acoustic energy are studied and the numerical results agree with the theoretic results .

  7. 该结果对于功率超声的液体处理具有重要的意义,说明并不是声能量越大处理效果越好,而是存在一个最优的输入声能量。

    The result is important for the liquid process of power ultrasonic and indicates that there is the optimal input energy corresponding to the best process effect .

  8. 生物组织吸收声能转化为热能,声能量的分布是决定热场分布的重要因素之一。

    Acoustic energy is absorbed and then transferred to heat energy in biological tissues . The distribution of acoustic energy is one of the determining factors of the heat distribution .

  9. 本文从自功率谱的角度讨论了振动表面局部辐射性质与声能量辐射。

    Abstract : From the point of view of the auto-spectrum , the local characteristic and the acoustical energy of radiation on a vibrating surface are theoretically studied in this paper .

  10. 本文利用一个模拟船舶机舱段的简化多转角结构模型进行了测试,比较了附加或者无阻振质量的双转角结构在八个1/1倍频带上平均的结构声能量传递损失。

    Experiment on a simplified model analogous to the outer hull of a ship is also carried out to compare the averaged transmission loss in eight 1 / 1 octave band at two double-corner structure with and without double blocking masses attached respectively .

  11. 理论研究结果表明:对于一平稳随机信号的m阶后向线性预测器的最小均方误差Jmin等于m阶AR模型激励白嗓声的能量。

    Our results show that the min squared error of m steps backward linear prediction for a steady and random signal equal to the energy impelled by the m steps auto regressive model .

  12. 足月新生儿瞬态诱发性耳声发射能量谱分析

    Analyzing power-spectrum of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions ( TEOAEs ) for full-term neonates

  13. 谐振管形状对热声声场能量的影响

    Influence of the shapes of resonance tubes on the fundamental frequency energy of thermoacoustic acoustic field

  14. 于是得出结论:组织声速在空间分布的非均匀性是导致聚焦声束能量分布畸变的主要原因。

    Thus , the primary factor of the aberration of focused beam is heterogeneous distribution of the tissue sound speed .

  15. 实验表明,磁声发射能量随外加50赫交流磁场的增加而增加,并有饱和趋势。

    The experiment shows that the increasing of magnetomechanical acoustic emission energy varies with the increasing of applied 50 Hertzian alternating magnetic field .

  16. 硬度差较大的45钢与铝板在摩擦过程中的声发射能量、振铃计数值、幅度随着相对运动速度、正压力增大而增大。

    Acoustic emission energy , the ring count value of large hardness difference of 45 steel and aluminum in the dynamic friction is opposite .

  17. 本文采用声发射能量技术研究低强度、高塑性材料α-Ti的形变、断裂特征。

    Using the technique of acoustic emission energy , the deformation and fracture in low strength and high plastic α - Ti has been studied .

  18. 为了减少声场辐射量,可改变约束阻尼复合板的尺寸,采用不同材料,以耗散更多的声辐射能量。

    In order to reduce acoustic radiation , may change the constrained damping of compound size , adopting different material , on a dissipation more acoustic radiation vibration energy .

  19. 经过分析,发现了在平行声波入射情况下,不同的反射区域内单位面积对声聚焦能量的不同作用,同时还做出了不同反射区域对声聚焦的影响严重性排序。

    Through analysing , he found that on the condition of incidence of the parallel sound wave different reflection regions make effects on energy focus per area in , at the same time he also made a sequence according ti the influencing degree of sound focusing on the different region .

  20. 压力管道泄漏声发射信号能量累计特性研究

    Accumulative Characteristics of Acoustic Emission Signal Energy on Pressure Pipe Leakage

  21. 通过声发射累计能量随载荷变化的斜率突变定义了材料临界损伤强度。

    Critical damage stress described with AE cumulate energy was also defined .

  22. 驾驶室结构声的统计能量分析

    Prediction of structure-borne sound transmission in driver compartment using statistical energy analysis

  23. 加热器在热声发动机的能量传递和转化过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    The heater provides thermal energy and is one of the key parts .

  24. 基于灰色理论的水下双层壳体振动与声辐射统计能量分析

    Research of applying SEA in vibration and sound radiation of submerged double cylindrical shell

  25. 另一部分则是由于声波在不均匀介质中的声散射把能量散射到其他方向,而使原来传播方向上的声波能量减弱。

    The dispersion is due to the inhomogeneity of medium , which will lead the energy of sound to deviate from its direction of propagation .

  26. 通过试验,得出了紧凑拉伸试样在裂纹稳定扩展阶段声发射信号能量率与应力强度因子幅值之间的关系式。

    According to the experimental results of steel compact tension specimen , a empirical relationship between AE energy rate and stress intensity factor range was formulated at the stage of stable crack growth .

  27. 利用声发射累积相对能量定义损伤变量,通过单纤维束模型、平均杆元模型以及体积平均化模型初步建立了纤维束、二维编织、三维编织C/SiC复合材料拉伸损伤演化方程。

    Damage evolution equations in the tensile process were formulated , using AE accumulative relative energy as a damage variable , based on single bundle model , average rod model and volume-averaged model , for single bundle , 2-D woven and 3-D braided C / SiC composites respectively .

  28. 鱼雷结构振动与声辐射的统计能量分析

    Statistical energy analysis on structure vibration and sound radiation from torpedo

  29. 烧蚀声峰值与光能量成正比。

    The peak value of the sound crest of ablation is directly proportional to laser energy .

  30. 对声激励的高能量区、燃烧噪声主峰以及一些重要的离散频率分量进行了分析和识别。

    The high energy range of acoustic excitation , the peaks of combustion noise and major discrete frequencies are identified .