
  • 网络Noise monitoring
  1. 利用反应堆~(16)Nγ噪声监测一回路冷却剂流量

    Reactor ~ ( 16 ) N γ Noise Monitoring for PWR Coolant Flow Measurement

  2. FPGA在油气管道泄漏噪声监测系统中的应用

    Application of FPGA to noise monitoring system for pipeline leak

  3. 基于GPRS技术的数字化环境噪声监测系统

    Development of digital environment noise monitoring system based on GPRS

  4. MOS器件静电潜在损伤的1/f噪声监测方法

    Application of 1 / f noise in monitoring electrostatic latent damage in MOS devices

  5. 运用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)所具有的巨大的I/O带宽和高速的运算能力,实现了对噪声监测的自适应数据采集系统设计;

    By utilizing the large I / O bandwidth and high speed arithmetic capability of Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ), a self-adapting noise collecting system for surveillance can be designed .

  6. 叙述了FOXBASE+编程在噪声监测数据修约中弃去多余数字的应用。

    This paper described a special application of Foxbase + for getting rid of unnecessary numbers from calculating noise data .

  7. 应用PB-700微型计算机现场处理环境噪声监测数据

    Field Processing the Monitored Data of Environmental Noise with Microcomputer PB-700

  8. 以郑州1991~1996年城市道路交通噪声监测的数据,运用灰色系统理论,建立了常规GM(1,1)和新陈代谢GM(1,1)预测模型。

    This paper establishes an ordinary GM ( 1,1 ) model and information renewal GM ( 1,1 ) predicting model on the grey theory , using the data drawn from the 1991 ~ 1996 city road traffic noise of Zhengzhou , Henan province .

  9. 东北林业大学校园周边环境噪声监测及评价研究

    Northeast Forestry University Campus Surrounding Environmental Noise Monitoring And Assessment Studies

  10. 趋势面拟合在机场噪声监测评价中的应用

    Application of Trend Surface Fitting for Airplanes Noise Monitoring and Evaluation

  11. 环境噪声监测自动化是环境噪声监测发展的必然趋势。

    The developing trend of environmental noise monitoring is automatic monitoring .

  12. 泸州市区域环境噪声监测优化布点

    Optimum selective locale method on regional environmental noise monitoring in Luzhou

  13. 模糊数学方法在城市环境噪声监测优化布点中的应用

    Application of Theory of Fuzzy Mathematics in City Environmental Noise Monitoring

  14. 城市噪声监测点位优化研究

    A Study on Improving the Inspection Points of Noises in Cities

  15. 基于无线传感器网络的噪声监测系统的设计

    Design of Environmental Noise Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

  16. 基于盲信号处理的机械噪声监测与故障诊断

    Machine noise monitoring and fault diagnosis based on blind signal processing

  17. 榆林市噪声监测昼夜等效声级聚类分析

    The clustering analysis of LDN in noise monitoring in Yulin City

  18. 低功耗、大存储量海洋环境噪声监测系统的研究

    Study on a Low-power , High-capacity Monitoring System of Marine Ambient Noise

  19. 工业企业厂界噪声监测过程中的问题探讨

    Study about the Problem of the Factory Boundary Noise Monitoring

  20. 企业厂界噪声监测问题的探讨

    Discussion on noise monitoring inside boundary limitation of industrial area

  21. 某军用机场周围飞机噪声监测及评价

    The Monitoring and Evaluation on the Noise Pollution Around a Military Airport

  22. 综合噪声监测系统于大面积地区噪音管理的应用

    Application of Integrated Noise Monitoring Systems for Wide Area Noise Control Management

  23. 基于声卡的环境噪声监测系统

    Supervision and Analysis of Noise Signal Based on Sound Card

  24. 无线网络数据采集技术在噪声监测中的应用研究

    Research on Wireless Network Data Acquisition Technology Applied in the Noise Monitoring

  25. 重症监护病房噪声监测与干预

    Monitoring and Intervention of Noises in Intensive Care Unit

  26. 机场航空噪声监测与评价方法

    A Study of airport Noise Monitoring and Assessment Method

  27. 基于拖曳线列阵声纳的潜艇武器发射噪声监测仿真研究

    Simulation of Measuring Torpedo Launch Noise in Submarine Based on Towed Array Sonar

  28. 广州市番禺区2003和2004年环境噪声监测结果分析

    Monitoring of Environmental Noise in Panyu District of Guangzhou in 2003 and 2004

  29. 工业企业厂界环境噪声监测中背景噪声监测及修正探讨

    Measuring and Its Correction of Background Noise in Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary

  30. 汽车起动电机异常噪声监测系统的设计原理

    Design Principles of Abnormal Noise Monitoring System for Car-Starter