
  • 网络noise spectrum
  1. 半导体光放大器宽带ASE噪声谱数值模型

    Wideband ASE noise spectrum numerical model of semiconductor optical amplifier

  2. 延迟线解调光PSK信号时的量子噪声谱

    Quantum noise spectrum in demodulating optical PSK signal by delay line

  3. 基于H矩阵,定量计算了分别用于强度探测系统、相位探测系统和光谱仪测量的强度噪声谱、相位噪声谱和光场噪声谱。

    Quantitative calculations of intensity , phase and optical field noise spectra are presented for intensity-detection , phase-detection and optical spectrum analyzer applications .

  4. 本文给出了注入锁定半导体激光器(LD)的强度和相位噪声谱。

    The intensity and frequency fluctuation spectra of an injection-locked semiconductor laser are given .

  5. 自差型光电反馈半导体激光器的量子AM和FM噪声谱

    Quantum AM and FM Noise Spectra for Semiconductor Lasers with Self-Heterodyne Type Opto-Electrical Feedback

  6. 与传统的Fourier谱相比,小波系数图象能描述出噪声谱中各种频率成分随时间的变化,更准确地反映出瞬态空化噪声的时域特征。

    Compared with the traditional Fourier transform , the wavelet coeffcient image , which reflects the transient specialty of cavitation noise , is more suitable for analyzing transient noise .

  7. 本文首次用半经典理论给出了集成外腔(IEC)半导体激光器(LD)的量子AM和FM噪声谱。

    The quantum AM and FM noise spectra of an integrated-external cavity ( IEC ) Semiconductor laser ( LD ) are presented for the first time semiclassically .

  8. 消除漂移后,噪声谱、噪声时域统计量和PSD的低频段均发生了明显的变化。

    After drift removing , the EN spectrum , statistical parameters in time domain , and the lower frequency part of the PSD will be changed obviously .

  9. 77~300K低频噪声谱测量及分析系统

    The Measurement and Analysis System of Low Frequency Noise Spectrum in the Temperature Range of 77 ~ 300K

  10. 用Langevin分子动力学方法模拟磁通运动的纵向电压噪声谱随磁场和电流的变化。

    Using Langevin molecular dynamics method , we have studied the voltage noise spectrum generated by current-driven vortices as a function of the magnetic field and current .

  11. 该模型基于EDFA的外特性,运算速度快,同时考虑了EDFA的饱和、增益不平坦特性以及ASE噪声谱的非均匀性。

    The model based on the exterior character of EDFA has fast operation and also considers the saturation , uneven gain character and non-uniform amplifier spontaneous emission noise spectrum character of EDFA .

  12. 利用语音的短时平稳性,通过先验幅度比来连续更新噪声谱的估计,从而代替复杂的VAD(话音活性检测)。

    Because of the short-time stationarity of speech , the noise spectrum estimation is updated by using priori amplitude ratio and results in no need of complicated voice activity detection .

  13. 本文分析了延迟线法解调光PSK信号时的量子噪声谱,讨论了检测条件、信号传输速率等对量子噪声的影响。

    The quantum noise spectrum in demodulating optical PSK signal by delay line is presented . The effects of bit rate and detection condition on the quantum noise are discussed .

  14. 本文在输出信号幅度及ASE噪声谱上都取得了与前期发表的实验相一致的仿真结果,证明了EDFABDE模块在高饱和状态下的实际可用性。

    The simulation results of the output signal level and ASE spectrum fit well with the previously published results , demonstrating the applicability of the EDFA BDE block for highly saturated cases .

  15. 给出了分析及一组获得约10dB噪声谱改善的初步实验结果。

    The theoretical analysis and a set of experimental results which shows about 10 dB phase noise reduction are given .

  16. McIntyre给出的关于达通型雪崩光电二极管的噪声谱密度结果,分析了不同背景下,确定最佳工作状态的最佳噪声分配比的特性,并给出了实验结果。

    McIntyre , characteristics of optimum noise distribution ratio with which optimum operating state is determined in different background , is analysed , and ex - perimental result is given .

  17. 针对在DFB-LD/EA集成光源小信号调制响应曲线低频段观察到的异常起伏,测量了DFB-LD的强度噪声谱,比较了不同反向偏压下EA调制器的调制响应。

    To explain the peaks observed in the low frequency range of the modulation response of the integrated light sources , we measured the relative intensity noise spectra of the DFB LD and the modulation response of the EA modulator at different reverse biases .

  18. 实验发现,在泵喷射推进器的噪声谱中,存在及其丰富的低频线谱,这些线谱的谱级非常之高,甚至可比噪声谱中连续谱部分高出20dB~30dB。

    It has been found that there are a great number of low frequency spectrum lines in a noise spectrum and the levels of these spectrum lines are very high , about 20dB ~ 30dB higher than those of the continuous spectrum part .

  19. 当参考源使用普通晶体时,测量结果表明:频率捷变时间<10μs,输出单边带相位噪声谱密度约为-70dB/Hz(偏离载频1kHz)

    When a general crystal was used in reference frequency source , the result of measurement is as follows : the frequency switching time is less then 10 μ s , the output SSB phase noise spectrum density is about - 70 dB / Hz at 1 kHz offset .

  20. 低频噪声谱自动测量系统及测量误差分析

    An Automatic Noise Spectral Density Measurement System and Measurement Errors Analysis

  21. 用噪声谱分析法定量诊断齿轮磨损

    Quantitative diagnosis of gear & wear by spectrum analysis of noise

  22. 新型相位噪声谱测量系统研究

    The Study of the New Measure System for Phase Noise Spectrum

  23. 水下航行器辐射噪声谱增强新方法

    A New Method for Enhancing Noise Spectrum Radiated by Underwater Vehicle

  24. 一种噪声谱快速跟踪的语音增强方法

    A speech enhancement method based on quickly tracking the noise spectrum

  25. 集成运算放大电路噪声谱矩阵计算及噪声性能分析

    The Noise Matrix Calculation and Performance Analysis of the Operation Amplifier

  26. 非稳态情况下钢筋锈蚀测量的噪声谱方法

    Noise Spectrum Method for Measurement of Corrosion of Rebar in Non-steady Case

  27. 相关零拍法相位噪声谱测量系统的研究与实现

    The Study of the CZB Measuring System for Phase-Noise Spectrum

  28. 一种动力调谐陀螺仪随机漂移噪声谱的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis about noise spectrum of random adrift for dynamically tuned gyroscope

  29. 舰船用交直流电机空气噪声谱设计计算

    Design Computing of AC-DC Motor 's Air Noise in Ship

  30. 基于加权最小统计的噪声谱估计改进算法

    An Improved Noise Spectral Estimation Algorithm Based on the Weighted Minimum Statistics