
  • 网络noise effect
  1. 实验提示,BDNF对于发育成熟的效应神经元仍具有明显的神经营养作用。神经元信号编码中噪声效应的研究

    The neurotrophic efficiency of BDNF for mature neuron was also demonstrated in this study . Noise Effect in Neuronal Encoding

  2. 双光子激光器中噪声效应的半经典分析

    Semiclassical analysis of noise effect in two-photon lasers

  3. CCD空间推扫遥感成像中,特殊的应用条件,使得欠采样噪声效应尤为强烈。

    Aliasing effects are specially heavy in the specific application environment of space remote sensing imaging .

  4. 为解决拼焊板(TWB)成形数值模拟中的强非线性问题并消除计算噪声效应,提出了一种基于近似优化技术的最佳成形过程参数求解方法。

    Aimed at resolving high non-linear problems and eliminating computational noise effects in numerical simulation of forming tailor welded blanks ( TWB ), a solving method for the optimum parameters of forming process based on approximation optimization technique was developed .

  5. 双稳随机动力系统信号调制噪声效应的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of the signal modulation effect in bistable stochastic dynamical systems

  6. 用数值方法研究了双稳随机动力系统的信号调制噪声效应。

    We study numerically the effect of signal modulating noise in bistable stochastic dynamical systems .

  7. 双稳随机共振系统信号调制噪声效应用于弱信号检测

    Effect of Signal Modulating Noise in Bi - Stable Stochastic Resonance Systems for Detecting Weak Signals

  8. 神经元信号编码中噪声效应的研究

    Noise Effect in Neuronal Encoding

  9. 数值仿真表明,双稳系统的信号调制噪声效应可用于多个微弱正弦信号的检测。

    Numerical simulation shows that the application is also effective on the detection of several weak sinusoidal signals submerged in the noise .

  10. 因此,利用非线性随机动力学理论和方法对“细胞内钙离子振荡系统的噪声效应:相干共振”进行研究具有十分重要的生物学意义。

    Thus , based on nonlinear theory and method , the study on the effect of the noise on coherence resonance in a calcium oscillations system is significant in biology .

  11. 确立了本论文的研究内容:视频质量评价模型以模糊效应和噪声效应的度量为基础,重点研究视频模糊效应和噪声效应的度量算法。

    The research content of this paper is that video quality assessment model is based on the metric of blurriness effect and noise effect , and the metric algorithms of blurriness effect and nosie effect was key research .

  12. 微型封装P波段低噪声场效应管放大器

    Mini - packed P-band low noise FET amplifier

  13. 混合信号SoC中的衬底噪声耦合效应

    Substrate Noise Coupling Effect in Mixed Signal SoC

  14. HFC网络噪声漏斗效应的一种解决方案

    A Solution for Noise Funnel Effect of HFC Network

  15. Ku波段低相位噪声体效应管

    Ku Band Low Phase Noise Gunn Diodes

  16. 但HFC网络中同轴电缆网络上行信道中存在的噪声漏斗效应限制了上行信道调制技术的选择。

    But the existence of noise funneling in the return path of cable network in HFC system restricts the selection of modulation techniques for the return path .

  17. 波分复用全光通信网中的放大自发辐射噪声积累效应研究

    The ASE Noise Accumulation in a WDM All Optical Network

  18. 噪声健康效应研究进展

    Study on the effects of the noise on health

  19. 我们提出了一致协议,这种协议能减弱测量噪声的效应。

    We propose a consensus protocol which can attenuate the effect of measurement noises .

  20. 动态光网络中交叉相位调制和放大自发辐射噪声积累效应的传输代价

    Transmission Penalty of Dynamical Optical Networks Considering Accumulation Effects of XPM and ASE Noises

  21. 同轴电缆网络上行信道噪声漏斗效应及其对调制技术的影响分析

    Noise funneling and its influence on modulation scheme in the return path of cable network

  22. 提出了一种在过点分配阶段解决噪声耦合效应问题的算法。

    An algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment ( CPA ) stage .

  23. 均衡有正交性恢复(ORC)均衡、受控均衡(CE)等,但是ORC均衡对噪声有放大效应,而受控均衡需要根据信道的衰落情况来确定其阈值,在实现中比较复杂。

    The ORC equalization has amplificatory effect on the noise , and the controlled equalization needs a threshold determined by the channel fading , these are very difficult to be implemented .

  24. 理论分析和数据处理结果表明:DGPS的定位误差主要由多径效应引起,而影响RTK定位误差的主要因素包括接收机的测量噪声和多径效应。

    Analysis in theory and Data processing show that the DGPS positioning error comes from the effect of multipath mostly , and RTK positioning error comes from the effect of multipath and the receiver noise .

  25. 然后选取基于Markov约束的Poisson-MAP超分辨率图像复原算法(MPMAP)对退化图像进行复原,与传统的复原滤波方法相比,它能有效地消除和减少复原图像中的噪声和振荡效应。

    Then , the Poisson-MAP super-resolution image restoration algorithm with Markov constraint to restore the degraded images is applied , and can effectively eliminate or reduce the noise and oscillation effect comparing with traditional restoration filtering method .

  26. 在10kV电力线上实现高速数据传输有着广阔的应用前景和经济价值,但是由于电力线信道存在着不可预期的高噪声、多径效应和信道衰落,严重制约了高速数据的传输。

    High-speed data communication over 10 kV power line is an active field with broad application perspective and economic benefits . But due to the unpredictable high noise , multi-path effect and path attenuation , power line channel is difficult for transmitting high-speed streams .

  27. 单模激光的噪声关联时间效应

    Effects of the Noise-correlation-time of a Single-mode Laser

  28. 倍增噪声和饱和效应对环形激光场动力学性质的影响

    Influence of Multiplicative Noise and Saturation Effect on Dynamical Properties of a Ring Laser Field

  29. 基于波导模式的甚低频场强计算方法低噪声微波场效应管放大器的计算机辅助设计

    VLF Field Strength Calculation Methods Based on Waveguide Mode CAD of Low-Noise Microwave FET Amplifier

  30. 低噪声微波场效应管放大器的计算机辅助设计

    CAD of Low-Noise Microwave FET Amplifier