
  • 网络noise-measuring instrument;Measure Instruments of Noise
  1. 环境温度对噪声测量仪器性能的影响

    The impact on the function of noise-measuring instrument by environmental temperature

  2. 针对环境温度给噪声测量仪器性能造成的影响,在常温、高温与低温的测量环境中,对多台仪器的相关性进行了对比测试与研究。

    In light of the impact on the function of noise-measuring instrument by environmental temperature , relationship of noise-measuring instrument was measured and studied , which was in measuring environment with normal , high and low atmospheric temperature .

  3. 本文重点研究如何扩展噪声测量仪器的测量功能和实行噪声测量数据管理。

    This thesis focuses on how to extend the functions of the noise measuring instruments and carry out the data management .

  4. 目前有关晶体管低频噪声测量仪器普遍存在的问题是测量误差大、时间长、所给噪声参数不完善。

    Nowdays the problems commonly existing in the measurement of low frequency noise of transistors are , great errors , long time and imperfection of noise parameters .

  5. 文中给出的噪声谱测量系统相对已有其它噪声测量仪器具有能对整个低频噪声谱测量,精确度优于4%及自动测量等优点。

    Compared with other noise measurements , the noise spectrum measurement system given in this paper has the advantages of measurement overall low-frequency noise spectrum , accuracy higher than 4 % and automatic operation .