
shēng jí
  • sound level;sound stage
声级[shēng jí]
  1. 而噪声则通过声级计由RS-232传入计算机。

    In the other hand , noise information tested with sound level meter is passed through interface RS-232 to computers .

  2. 阶梯波法测试声级计L(eq)功能的研究

    Study on testing L_ ( eq ) function of the sound level meter with step wave method

  3. 基于嵌入式Web的远程声级计测控系统

    Remote Measurement and Control System of Sound Level Meter Based on Embedded Web Server

  4. 基于PULSE系统的声级计自动检定测试系统

    The Automatic Measurement System of Sound Level Meter Based on PULSE System

  5. 它采用精密声级计做为声传感器、激振器做为作动器,通过对性能加权函数和鲁棒加权函数的选取,设计了相应的鲁棒H∞控制器。

    The robust H_ ∞ controller has been designed through the elections of the performance weighting function and the robust weighting function .

  6. 城市功能区夜间噪声等效声级(Ln)预测模型的建立

    Establishment of Prediction Model for Noise Ln at Night in Urban Functional Area

  7. 标化于8h工作日的接触声级为93.7~99.8dB(A)。

    The noise exposure level normalized to an 8h working day was 93.7 ~ 99.8 dB ( A ) .

  8. 将DDS技术与单片机以及计算机技术结合,运用到猝发声仪器的设计中,实现了符合新的声级计检测标准的猝发声仪器的开发。

    With integration of DDS and computer technology , the tone burst instrument is well designed to meet the new testing standard of the sound level meter .

  9. 对于室内噪声或声环境的评价,几十年来的实践表明,仅用A计权声级或NC数并不能完全表示这种噪声的主观(人的感知)属性。

    The practice of the evaluation of in-door noise or acoustic environment in decades shows that the subjective perception of this ambient noise could not fully expressed by dB ( A ) or NC number .

  10. 根据ISO标准的基本数值,提出了用A-计权声级评价测听环境允许噪声,分析了不同测听内容和各种测听频率范围的噪声特征。

    According to basic values of ISO standard evaluation of audiometric environment noise by using A-weighted sound level meter is proposed . Different audiometric contents and various frequency ranges are analyzed .

  11. 对噪声信号采用SoundandVibrationToolkit进行A计权网络滤波,然后进行连续A声级L(Aeq)计算,得出噪声舒适度等级;

    And A-weighting analysis in Sound and Vibration toolkit are used for noises-signal . We can calculate the L_ ( Aeq ) of the sound , and then evaluate the grade .

  12. 数字声级计(DSLM)引擎设计与研究

    The Design and Research of the Engine of Digital Sound Level Meter

  13. 典型的测试结果表明,在距轨道中心线35m处,最大计权声级为96dB(A)与101dB(C)。

    The typical result shows the max sound level is 96 dB ( A ) or 101 dB ( C ) at the point of 35m from the center line of the track .

  14. 目的:探索能否用等效连续A声级(LAeq)来评价不同类型的噪声。

    Objective : To explore whether or not equivalant continuous A sound level ( LAeq ) can be used to evaluate different types of noise .

  15. 根据离开轨道中心15m处高速铁路的噪声暴露声级,通过引入地面衰减、屏障衰减和房屋建筑及树木的附加衰减参数,建立噪声理论分析模型。

    In light of sound exposure level for high-speed railway at 15 m from track center , a theoretical model for noise analysis is established by introducing ground attenuation , shielding attenuation and excess attenuation from buildings and trees .

  16. 在大量的风笛试验测量基础上,比较了不同型号机车风笛的声学性能,试验结果表明:机车前方中心0°大约30m处的声级为105~112dB(A);

    Compare the acoustic characteristic with the different type of air horn . The measuring results showed that the air horn all produce 105 ~ 112 dB ( A ) of sound level at 30 meters directly in front of the train .

  17. 带有气动装置的机器正常工作时,气动阀产生的间歇性排气噪声的A声级高达110dB。

    When the machine with the pneumatic assembly runs normally , the pneumatic-Valves create the intermittence exhaust noise with A-sound-level of 110dB ( A ) .

  18. 结果测量发现聚苯乙烯造粒机、聚乙烯造粒机、休息室。控制室的A计权网络的等效声级均未超过有关的标准,而频谱分析则发现其主要的声强级均分布在200Hz以下。

    Results The leq ( A ) did not exceed about criterion in polystyrene machine , rest room , control room , whereas most sound levels were distributed below 200 Hz by frequency analysis .

  19. 其次,对车轮阻尼器的降噪效果进行实验分析。实验采用激振单摆、加速度传感器、电荷放大器、声级计、智能信号采集处理分析仪以及DASP软件组成的测试系统。

    Secondly , experiments were made to analyze the effect of the wheel damper , we used the system composed of a self-made pendulum , three acceleration sensors , a four-channel charge amplifier , a sound level meter , a signal collection analyzer and the DASP software .

  20. 经过变风量改造后,系统运行稳定可靠,能耗降低约1/2,机组A声级噪声均小于60dB,改造投资在2~3年内即可回收。

    After reforming to a VAV system , it operates steady and reliable . It can reduce energy consumed to nearly a half . The noise level is lowered to under 60 dB . The reform investment will be recovered in 2 to 3 years .

  21. 用A&计权声级评价测听环境噪声

    Audiometric Ambient Noise Evaluated by Using A & Weighted Sound Level

  22. 水筒中涂层模型降低噪声总声级的研究

    The study of noise reduction by coating in a water tunnel

  23. 榆林市噪声监测昼夜等效声级聚类分析

    The clustering analysis of LDN in noise monitoring in Yulin City

  24. GB/T17181-1997积分平均声级计A加权等效连续声压级

    Integrating-averaging sound level meters A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure leve

  25. 充分发出的平均减速度GB/T17181-1997积分平均声级计

    Mean fully developed braking deceleration MFDD Integrating-averaging sound level meters

  26. 变压器和电抗器声级测量方法的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Measuring Methods for Sound Level in Transformers and Reactors

  27. 2001年度国控城市区域环境噪声等效声级比较

    Comparison of Equivalent Regional Environmental Noise Level in State-Controlled Cities in 2001

  28. 人工神经网络应用于厅堂声级预测

    Neutral Networks Predictions of Speech Levels in Classrooms and Halls

  29. 低频声级差在听觉定位中所起作用的探讨

    An Argument of Auditory Localization for Low Frequency Sound Level Difference Effect

  30. 环境噪声等效声级的袖珍计算器程序

    Pocket Calculator Program of Equivalent Sound Level of Ambient Noise