
  • 网络Sound power level;LWA;SWL
  1. 辐射声功率级、表面振动均方速度级和辐射效率级都随着复刚度值Z的减小而减小。

    The radiation sound pressure level , the mean vibration velocity level , radiation efficiency reduce with reducing of the complex stiffness .

  2. 综合运用文中的降噪措施,标定工况时整机噪声A声功率级降低了2.5dB。

    Combining all above measures can reduce the noise power level of complete engine by 2.5 dB ( A ) at rated power mode .

  3. 测试发现,该柴油机在标定工况下的噪声声功率级为113dB(A),已满足国际规定要求,并且低于我国中小型功率柴油机噪声限值及国内同类机型产品的噪声值。

    The test shows that the noise sound power level of the diesel in standard situation is 113 dB ( A ), which is lower than the limit of China ′ s medium-size diesel engines and that of the same products in China .

  4. 粗纱机噪声声功率级的测定与分析

    Measuring And analysing for the sound power level of Roving Frame

  5. 一种机器噪声声功率级自动检测方法

    An Automatic Detecting Method about the sound Wavelength of Machine Noise

  6. GB/T3770-1983木工机床噪声声功率级的测定

    Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by woodworking machinery

  7. GB/T4214-1984家用电器噪声声功率级的测定

    Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by household electrical appliances

  8. 声压级及声功率级的测量和计算。

    Measurement and calculation of sound pressure level and sound power level .

  9. 噪声源声功率级测量的进展

    The Progress in the Measurement of Sound Power Level of Noise Source

  10. 机器噪声声功率级的简测方法的研究

    Measurement on the sound power level for mechanical noise

  11. GB/T14255-1993家用缝纫机机头噪声声功率级的测试方法

    Method of sound power levels of noise emitted by household sewing machine head

  12. GB/T4215-1984金属切削机床噪声声功率级的测定

    Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools

  13. GB/T4980-1985容积式压缩机噪声声功率级的测定&工程法

    Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by displacement compressors & Engineering method

  14. 交通干道上车流采用泊松分布和等车距车流相结合模型,考虑多种车型的不同声功率级。

    The traffic flow is supposed on model combined by Poisson distribution and equal interval .

  15. 通过振动速度法,估算了油底壳辐射的声功率级。

    The sound power level of oil pan was estimated by the method of vibration velocity .

  16. 吸气管道中风机辐射的声功率级与声压级的关系

    The Relationship between Sound Power Level and Sound Pressure Level Radiated by the Fan in a Suck Pipe

  17. 利用声场指数确定机床辐射声功率级测量精度的实验研究

    Experimental research on the accuracy of sound power level radiated from a tool machine using sound field indicators

  18. GB/T4129-1995声学噪声源声功率级的测定&标准声源的性能要求与校准

    Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound source

  19. 甲板圆心角的增加会增大壳体的辐射声功率级。

    Moreover , the bigger the central angle of floating deck is , the higher the sound radiation power is .

  20. GB7786-1987动力用空气压缩机和隔膜压缩机噪声声功率级限值

    Limits of sound power level for noise emitted by air compressors ( for power source use ) and diaphragm compressors

  21. 敷设自由阻尼层后壳体辐射声功率级和表面振动均方速度级都有明显的降低。

    The radiation sound pressure level and the mean vibration velocity level reduced Significantly for being covered the damping layer .

  22. 给出了离心压缩机气动参数和结构参数与声功率级之间的内在关系。

    The intrinsic relation between the pneumatic parameter , structural parameter and acoustic power level for centrifugal compressor is given .

  23. GB/T9068-1988采暖通风与空气调节设备噪声声功率级的测定工程法

    " Determination of sound power levels for noise emitted by heating , ventilating and air conditioning equipments & Engineering method "

  24. GB/T3768-1996声学声压法测定噪声源声功率级反射面上方采用包络测量表面的简易法

    Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane

  25. 联合激励力产生的辐射声功率级和外壳振动速度级比单个力激励时都要大;

    The values of radiated power and radial quadratic velocity driven by combined forces are both bigger than that of by single force .

  26. 本文还指出用声功率级而不用声压级对诸噪声源排队的优越性。

    The advantages of using sound power level compared with using sound pressure level for ranking order of noise sources are also pointed out .

  27. 利用这些图就可方便地得到吸气管道内风机辐射声功率级和声压级的关系。

    Then using these figures the relationship between sound power level and sound pressure level radiated by a fan in a suck pipe is obtained easily .

  28. 混响室是声学专业的实验室用房,它在测量声波无规入射时材料的吸声系数和测量噪声源的声功率级中得到了广泛应用。

    In the measurement of sound absorption coefficient in random incidence and determination of sound power levels of noise sources , the reverberation room is used very extensively .

  29. 介绍了混响实验室的原理和新的空调风机噪声声功率级测试标准JB/T10504-2005,并根据新的标准设计了一个混响实验室。

    The theory of reverberant rooms and a new standard JB / T10504-2005 was introduced . Then based on JB / T10504-2005 , a new reverberant room is constructed .

  30. 采用有限元方法和边界元方法建立了复杂结构辐射噪声预测模型,用于计算辐射声功率级。

    The objective function is weighted value of mass augment and mean power level of radiated noise , which is calculated with Finite Element Method and Boundary Element Method .