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  • Rayleigh
瑞利[ruì lì]
  1. 维多利亚蓝B共振瑞利散射光谱法测定透明质酸钠

    Determination of Sodium Hyaluronate with Victoria Blue B by Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Method

  2. 铜纳米微粒与维生素B1相互作用的吸收光谱和共振瑞利散射光谱研究

    Absorption and Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectra of the Interaction for Copper Nanoparticles with Vitamin B_1

  3. H∞控制状态反馈与瑞利商精细积分

    H ∞ control state feedback and Rayleigh quotient precise integration

  4. 瑞利衰落信道中移动OFDM的DopplerSpread估计

    Doppler spread estimation for mobile OFDM systems in rayleigh fading channels

  5. 一阶Markov模型产生相关瑞利衰落包络

    First Order Markov Model for Correlated Rayleigh Fading Envelopes

  6. 常用的幅度分布模型有瑞利分布、对数正态分布、威布尔分布和K分布。

    Rayleigh distribution , LogNormal distribution , Weibull distribution and K distribution are four distribution models commonly used .

  7. 瑞利衰落信道下OFDM系统多址接入方案的性能比较

    On performance of multiple access for OFDM transmission technique in rayleigh fading channel

  8. 瑞利衰落信道下改进的OFDM符号定时算法

    An improved symbol timing recovery algorithm for OFDM systems in rayleigh fading channels

  9. 发现扰动的线性阶段成长率是相对瑞利数r的函数。

    It is found that the growth rate of perturbation in linear stage is function of relative Rayleigh number r.

  10. 瑞利衰落信道Turbo码的精确性能上限

    Exact Upper Bound of Turbo Code Performance on Rayleigh Fading Channel

  11. 高折射率芯Bragg光纤瑞利散射特性的数值分析

    Numerical Study on Rayleigh Scattering Property in High-Index-Core Bragg Fibers

  12. 轴向剪切流对Z箍缩等离子体瑞利-泰勒不稳定性的抑制

    The mitigation effect of sheared axial flow on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in Z-pinch plasma

  13. 用瑞利波研究新疆塔里木盆地地壳分层结构及QR值

    Use of Rayleigh waves to study the layered crustal structure and q_r values of Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Province

  14. Turbo码在瑞利慢衰落信道中的性能仿真与分析

    Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes Over Rayleigh Slow-Fading Channels

  15. 对教本中显微镜分辨率的瑞利判据中的I(min)数值的商榷

    On the i_ ( min ) value in Rayleigh criterion for resolution of microscope in physical books

  16. 对已有的一种时频同步方法加以改进,提出了一种适用于无线瑞利衰落信道的OFDM时频同步方法。

    In this paper , we present an improved time and frequency synchronization method for OFDM transmission .

  17. 疲劳裂纹扩展速率(da)/(dN)的超声瑞利波测量

    Measurement of Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate da / dN by Using Ultrasonic Rayleigh Waves

  18. 本文设计的是应用于具有瑞利衰落信道的移动通信系统中的RS(31,15)编码器。

    This design of RS ( 31,15 ) Encoder is applied to Rayleigh Channel for mobile communication .

  19. 瑞利衰落信道下的Turbo均衡

    Turbo Equalization for Rayleigh Fading Channel

  20. 瑞利衰落下的空时频(STF)分组编码OFDM系统

    Space-time-frequency block coding over OFDM systems for rayleigh fading channels

  21. 研究了慢变频率非选择性瑞利衰落信道下Turbo码的性能。

    The performance of turbo codes on frequency non-selective slow Rayleigh fading channels is investigated in this paper .

  22. 无序材料中的电磁耦合场量子理论及SiO2和GeO2玻璃中光的瑞利散射损耗

    Theory of polaritons in disordered materials and Rayleigh scatterings in SiO_2 and GeO_2 glasses

  23. 基于瑞利分布的SPC控制图应用研究

    SPC Control Chart Based on Rayleigh Distribution

  24. 采用微分软件处理Raman光谱曲线,可提取出几乎淹没在瑞利线中的Raman峰。

    Processing Raman spectral curves with differential software , the Raman lines which are nearly submerged in Rayleigh line can be picked up .

  25. 文中对高斯信道和瑞利信道条件下的PN匹配滤波器的捕获性能进行了分析。

    The acquisition performance of the PN matched filter is analysed under the condition of Gaussian channel and Rayleigh channel .

  26. 采用纽马克(Newmark)逐步积分法求解运动微分方程,按照瑞利(Rayleigh)阻尼确定阻尼矩阵。

    Newmark time integration method incorporating a Rayleigh damping is used to solve the equation of motion .

  27. 采用广义正交序列的多载波DS-CDMA系统在瑞利衰落信道中的性能分析

    Performance Evaluation of Multicarrier DS-CDMA in Rayleigh Fading Channel with Generalized Orthogonal Spreading Sequences

  28. 瑞利衰落信道下M-ary二维扩频系统的性能分析

    Performance of M-ary Two Dimensional Spread Spectrum in Rayleigh Fading Channels

  29. 以瑞利区间ZR和M2因子作为光束质量的特征参数,研究了大气湍流对光束质量的影响。

    The beam quality is studied by taking the zR and the M2-factor as the characteristic parameters of beam quality .

  30. 瑞利平衰落信道中跳频GMSK信号的接收

    A GMSK Receiver for Frequency-hopped System in Rayleigh Flat-fading Channel