
  • 网络ryan;Rain;Reliance
  1. 罗克韦尔自动化将保留瑞恩电气及瑞恩品牌的驱动和相关部分及服务业务,作为其全球驱动和顾客服务业务的一个完整部分。

    Rockwell Automation will retain the Reliance Electric and Reliance branded drives and related parts and services as an integral part of its global drives and customer service businesses .

  2. 例句我正在试图和瑞恩重修旧好。

    I 'm trying to mend fences with Ryan .

  3. 昨晚我想看电影,但瑞恩却不想看。

    I wanted to watch a film last night , but Ryan didn 't.

  4. 我要被瑞恩不停地用手指敲桌子的声音逼疯了。

    I 'm getting driven to distraction by the way that Ryan keeps tapping his fingers on the desk .

  5. 瑞恩•墨菲(RyanMurphy)根据托尼奖得主、百老汇舞台剧《常在我心间》(TheNormalHeart)改编的同名电影将登陆HBO电视台。

    Ryan Murphy 's adaptation of " The Normal Heart " is heading to HBO .

  6. Gravity应用程序创建者为加州设计师瑞恩•麦克劳德。曾在其博客中发表了媒介的发展过程。

    Gravity was created by California-based design engineer Ryan McLeod who posted a blog about the development process on Medium .

  7. 25岁的罗伯特瑞恩哈特正是这家饮料公司的CEO与共同创始人之一。

    Robert Rhinehart is the 25-year-old co-founder and chief executive of the firm selling the drink .

  8. 还记得梅格?瑞恩(MegRyan)和汤姆?汉克斯(TomHanks)主演的电影《电邮情缘》(You’veGotMail)吗?

    Remember the movie You 've Got Mail , with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks ?

  9. 瑞恩加入了这场辩论,提出了一项会将收入保持在gdp的19%的建议。

    Into this debate enters Mr Ryan , with a proposal that would keep revenue at 19 per cent of GDP .

  10. 而ABC新闻的瑞安·克莱本现在正在比勒陀利亚,早上好,瑞恩。

    and ABC 's Ryan Claiborne is in Pretoria right now , Ryan , good morning to you .

  11. Miller上尉把噩耗告诉瑞恩,说他的哥哥们全部战死沙场,并告之他可以回家了。

    They break the news of his brothers'deaths to him and tell him that he is going home .

  12. 瑞恩:他想把一些型号最新又价钱合理的MP3播放器引进到市面上。

    Ryan : He 'd really like to introduce some of the latest-but still affordable MP3 players on the market .

  13. 在Olson公司,从伯格办公室出来沿着大厅往外走,是丹尼斯?瑞恩(DennisRyan)那间长14英尺(约4.2米)、宽8英尺(约2.4米)的办公室,里面那张陈旧的沙发打造出轻松的合作氛围。

    Down the hall from Mr. Berg at Olson , the worn couch in Dennis Ryan 's 8-by-14-foot office invites casual collaboration .

  14. 身为律师的美国专家戴维•瑞恩•波尔格(DavidRyanPolgar)曾用一个比喻来形容我们所受的新式折磨。

    David Ryan Polgar , a US pundit and lawyer , has come up with a metaphor to describe our new affliction .

  15. 我们认为,随着该YouTube频道赚得盆满钵满,瑞恩和他妹妹们的大学基金基本解决了。

    With the YouTube channels rolling in the dough , that 's his college fund ( and his sisters ' ) all settled , we think .

  16. 美国国会预算办公室(cbo)对瑞恩计划的分析切中了要害(见图表)。

    An analysis of the Ryan plan by the Congressional Budget Office makes the point ( see charts ) .

  17. 本文以瑞恩PDM的研究开发为背景,结合企业实际情况并针对现有产品配置模型的不足,提出了一种新的产品配置模型并给出了具体软件实施方案。

    Based on the research and development of Brain PDM system , combining the actual situation of enterprises , this paper proposes a new product configuration model and presents a software implementation .

  18. 弗吉尼亚生物柴油提炼公司(VirginiaBiodieselRefinery)董事总经理瑞恩輠克纳(RyanFaulkner)表示,价格最高的时候,提炼厂会为用过的食用油向收集公司支付每加仑3美元。

    At the peak , refineries were paying collectors $ 3 a gallon for rendered cooking oil , said Ryan Faulkner , general manager of the Virginia Biodiesel Refinery company .

  19. 她的画廊还将在八月份举办几场非正式的试营业展览,然后在九月份举办美国画家瑞恩•沙利文(RyanSullivan)的作品专场展。

    The gallery will hold a couple of guerrilla soft openings in August , before launching in September with a show by the US artist Ryan Sullivan .

  20. NPR的夏皮罗报道自从瑞恩一个多星期前加入票,这是竞选搭档第一次一起亮相。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports it was the running mate 's first appearance together since Ryan joined ticket more than week ago .

  21. 这样的布局避免了造成人与人之间那种人为的隔阂,在Olson任首席创意长的瑞恩如是说。

    The setup avoids ' creating artificial barriers between people , ' says Mr. Ryan , chief creative officer at Olson .

  22. 英国埃克塞特大学(UniversityofExeter)学者米歇尔•瑞恩(MichelleRyan)表示,如果女性只会在特别危险的时刻获得最高职务这个理论需要证据支持的话,英国新任首相特里萨•梅(TheresaMay,见上图)就是这样一个例子。

    If evidence were needed to support the theory that women only get the top job in particularly precarious times , Theresa May , the new UK prime minister , is that woman , says Michelle Ryan .

  23. NPR的唐·戈尼亚报道瑞恩的讲话涉及到,从美国大使生活的角度,对白宫处理穆斯林世界反美暴力进行攻击。

    NPR 's Don Gonyea reports Ryan included an attack on White House handling of anti-American violence in the Muslim world that claimed the life of a U.S. ambassador .

  24. 拯救大兵瑞恩故事设定在二战末期诺曼底登陆期间。影片讲述了约翰H米勒上校带领着一小队士兵深入敌后,他们的任务是找回一位在行动中失去了三个兄弟的士兵。

    Saving Private Ryan Set in World War II during the invasion of Normandy , the film follows Captain John H. Miller who takes a small group of soldiers behind enemy lines . Their mission is to retrieve a private whose three brothers have all been killed in action .

  25. 2005年,瑞恩与亚历克斯•哈斯拉姆(AlexHaslam)首次提出“玻璃悬崖”这个词,用以描述这种现象。

    Prof Ryan is an academic at Exeter University who , along with Alex Haslam , first coined the phrase " glass cliff " to describe the trend in 2005 .

  26. “我倾向于走传统路线,但能看到威廉王子以现代装束展示在世人面前也挺不错,”奥斯汀里德公司(austinreed)的设计主管瑞恩哈克特(ryanhackett)对此持同样看法。

    " I like the idea of sticking with tradition , but it would be nice to see the prince adopting a modern look , " agrees Ryan Hackett , head of design at Austin reed .

  27. 在崇尚自由、私宅共享的英国,瑞恩加廖托(RyanGaliotto)一位好友的招租私宅因包含“设施一应俱全”的性地牢照片而被美国某知名家租网站拒之门外,于是愤而与人合办了Kinkbnb.com网站。

    In the land of the free and home share of the brave , Ryan Galiotto co-founded Kinkbnb.com when one of his friends was barred from a major US home rental site for including pictures of her fully equipped sex dungeon .

  28. 自此,瑞恩哈特就开始喝Soylent为生,在一些采访中,他说Soylent已经改变了他的生活,让他比以前更健康。

    Then , Rhinehart started living on it . In several interviews , Rhinehart said Soylent changed his life and made him healthier than ever before .

  29. 周日,弗雷尔的家人宣布瑞恩患有CTE疾病,这让他成为诊断出此疾病的第一个美国职业棒球大联盟球员,而且可能解释了多年的抑郁和不稳定的行为最终导致死亡的原因。

    On Sunday , Freel 's family announced that Ryan did suffer from CTE , making him the first Major League baseball player to receive that diagnosis , and possibly explaining the years of depression and erratic behavior leading up to this death .

  30. 瑞恩:对不起,我真的没出过。

    Ryan : I 'm sorry , I never had them .