
  • 网络Swiss town;Pontresina;Zurich Airport;MILAN-SWIZERLAND;Milan -Lucerne
  1. 45年前,巴塞尔艺术展在这座一本正经、以银行业而闻名的瑞士小镇上开幕,基本上只是一个欧洲画廊的集会,让画廊能把手头的现当代艺术品出售给日益增加的收藏家们。这些收藏家主要来自欧洲。

    When Art Basel began 45 years ago in a staid Swiss town best known for banking regulations , it was primarily a fair for European galleries hoping to sell Modern and contemporary art to the growing ranks of mainly European collectors .

  2. 用手机短信投票的想法乍听之下可能像是电视真人秀要吸引观众的噱头,不过一个位于瑞士的小镇Bülach,已经决定将手机短信纳入成为选举中的合法投票方式之一。

    The idea of voting by SMS may seem like a PR stunt dreamed up by the reality TV industry , but one town in Switzerland has decided that text messaging can be used to settle a real election .

  3. 这么多年过去了,现在住在美国康涅狄格州的科林早就忘记了这件事情。直到前不久科林收到一封让人惊喜的邮件,邮件来自瑞士山地小镇库尔当地的警察。

    Years passed and Colin , who now lives in the US state of Connecticut , forgot about the incident until he received a surprise email from a police officer in the tiny Swiss mountain town of Chur .

  4. 而这项测试性选举也将会在下个月扩展至瑞士其它的小镇举行。

    The test will be extended to ballot issues in other towns next month .

  5. 高莱茵河畔的布辛根是一座位于瑞士境内的德国小镇。

    Busingen am Hochrhein is a German town in Switzerland .

  6. 在本次会议上,一些世界最具权势的政治经济领导将聚会于瑞士阿尔卑斯一滑雪小镇。

    The event gathers some of the world 's most powerful political and business leaders at a small ski village in the Swiss Alps .