
  • 网络Diving watch;Divers Watch;Fifty Fathoms
  1. 我的潜水表是百分之百防水的。

    NO03 , My diving watch is100 % waterproof .

  2. 大局部的制造商建议潜水员到授权机构停止潜水表压力测试并且每年或两到三年修缮一次潜水表的零件,以及改换密封件。

    Most manufacturers recommend divers to have their diving watch pressure tested by an authorized service and repair facility annually or every two to three years and have the seals replaced .

  3. 测试完成后,潜水表必须能够正常工作。

    After this test , the watch shall function correctly .

  4. 在测试时期以及完毕后,电子潜水表必需可以正常任务。

    An electronic watch shall function normally during and aft0er the test .

  5. 用于测试的混合气体的成分应该连同潜水表的使用说明书一起提供。

    The composition of the gas mixture used for the test shall be given in the operating instructions accompanying the watch .

  6. 潜水表进行15天的气体超压测试,实际使用的气体压力为额定压力的1.25倍。

    The watch is subject to the overpressure of gas which will actually be used , i.e.125 % of the rated pressure , for15 days .

  7. 12~60m空气潜水减压表的模拟潜水实验观察

    The Experimental Evaluation of the Underwater Stage Air-decompression Table for Divers to Depths Between 12 to 60 m