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  • lurker
  1. SC2里炮弹和潜伏者的刺还能躲吗?

    Can projectiles ( and lurker spines in particular ) be dodged in SC2 ?

  2. 发现这种软件的研究人员将其称作WireLurker(意为“数据线潜伏者”),因为它可以通过电脑数据线感染甚至是原装非越狱的iPhone和iPad。

    The researchers who discovered the plot called it WireLurker because it can infect even pristine , non-jailbroken iPhones and iPads through computer cables .

  3. 他自己的惊悚小说集《深渊里的潜伏者》(thelurkersintheabyss)将于今年春季由midnighthouse在美国出版发行。

    His own collection of horror stories , the lurkers in the abyss , ( Midnight house ) , is due to be published in the US in the spring .

  4. 用你的火鸡枪炸死那些肮脏委琐的潜伏者。

    Blast those dirty , sneaking Rogues with your Turkey Shooter .

  5. 最后要说的就是潜伏者和刺蛇。

    The last issue dealing with the Zerg is the Hydralisk and Lurker .

  6. 他肯定这名特务是一个长期潜伏者,可能是为了在一旦发生国际危机时进行破坏活动的。

    He was sure the agent was a sleeper , probably for sabotage in the event of an international crisis .

  7. 中东国家开始秘密雇佣曾经在港口走私石油的潜伏者。保卫者公司发现了港口,并准备全面攻击潜伏者。

    A formerly obsolete oil smuggling port has been resurrected by Black List operatives in the hire of secret European and Middle Eastern countries .

  8. 这一结果表明:在后项分支存在时,疾病绝灭与否不仅与基本再生数有关还与初始状态(初始时刻所关注地区的潜伏者和染病者等的数量)有关。

    This result shows that whether or not the disease die out is not only depend on the basic reproductive number of models but also on the initial status ( including the number of the susceptibles , the infectious and so on ) .

  9. 因此,潜伏感染者为结核病的控制和诊断带来了巨大的挑战。

    Latent infectious patients bring about severe challenge to the diagnosis and control of TB .

  10. 结核病是最严重的传染性疾病之一,每年大约杀死2百万人,世界上1/3的人口是潜伏感染者。

    Tuberculosis was one of the most severe infectious diseases killing more than two million people annually .

  11. 世人的主宰,(3)免遭潜伏的教唆者的毒害,(4)

    The God of mankind ,( 3 ) From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws ,( 4 )

  12. 它们是典型的潜伏型掠食者,它们将身体藏在土层或树叶以下只露出头部。

    Typical ambush predators , they squeeze their bodies into the forest substrate or leaf litter so only their heads protrude .

  13. 或者是大明星自认为可以予取予求,或者是在每个良家少女的心中潜伏着崇拜者献身给偶像的欲望。

    Either : a star thinks he can takes anything he wants . Or : inside every good girl beats a groupie 's concupiscent heart .

  14. 方法以68例活动性HCMV感染患儿为观察对象,44例潜伏型HCMV感染者及40例健康儿童为对照组;

    Methods Sixty-eight children with active HCMV infection , forty-four children with latent HCMV infection and forty healthy children were enrolled in this study .

  15. 异常信号是由撒马利亚人特工手机发出的,这个特工潜伏在主控者的特工之中。

    The anomalous phone belongs to a Samaritan agent who 's embedded with Control 's operatives .

  16. 苯巴比妥过敏、有征候性或潜伏性卟啉病史者禁用苯巴比妥。

    Phenobarbital is contraindicated in patients with known phenobarbital sensitivity or a history of manifest or latent porphyria .