
  1. 但他“怪人杰克”(wackojacko)的昵称也不是凭空而来的。

    But he did not earn the nickname " wacko Jacko " for nothing .

  2. 这次粮食危机决非凭空而来。

    This crisis did not come out of the blue .

  3. 但这并不意味着我们认为它是凭空而来的。

    Which doesn 't mean we thought it came out of nowhere .

  4. 政府管理模式的选择不是凭空而来的。

    The choice of the government management model is determined by many factors .

  5. 这样的衣服不是凭空而来的,也不是来自遗产。

    Clothes like these don 't make themselves , and legacy doesn 't make them either .

  6. 报表不是凭空而来的;它们需要某个数据源以向用户显示数据。

    Reports don 't appear from nowhere ; they need a source of data to present to the user .

  7. 外面,受到一弯好似凭空而来的新月的推动,海洋慢慢升起,涌向高潮。

    Outside , the ocean slowly rose towards high tide , driven by a crescent moon that had seemingly come out from nowhere .

  8. 在转化现有的库类来使用泛型方面没有多少技巧,但与平常的情况相同,向后兼容性不会凭空而来。

    Converting existing library classes to work smoothly with generics was no small feat , but as is often the case , backward-compatibility does not come for free .

  9. 前面几期文章曾多次提到,模型不是凭空而来的,建立模型是为了服务于特定的目的。

    As I have stated many times in this series , a model is not drawn in a vacuum ; it is created to serve a specific purpose .

  10. 而要有理论的创新,就必须解放思想,但思想形式并不是凭空而来,构建和谐社会必须从已有的思想资料出发。

    But to have theoretical innovation , must liberate a thought , but the thought-form and instead , constructing the harmonious society must proceed from the idea of data .

  11. 他的成功不是凭空而来的。他在中学就自学了大学英语,所以比其他同学领先了一步。

    His success does not spring up out of nowhere . As he self-studied College English in high school , he has had a head start over his peers .

  12. 构式意义不可能凭空而来,其最终理据只能在现实规则,人类的认知能力和语言系统本身的相互作用中找到。

    Constructional meaning cannot come from nothing , its ultimate motivation can be found in the interaction among the rules of reality , the human cognitive competence and the language system itself .

  13. 今天,台、澎、金、马的两千三百多万人民所拥有的政治、经济成果,同样不是凭空而来,而是靠著一代一代的努力、一点一滴的累积。

    Likewise , the political and economic achievements of the23 million people of taiwan , penghu , Kinmen and Matsu today did not suddenly fall from the sky , but result from the accumulation of the relentless efforts made generation after generation .