
píng zhàng
  • rely on;depend on
凭仗 [píng zhàng]
  • [rely on ] 倚仗;凭靠

  • 凭仗着惊人的毅力登上主峰

凭仗[píng zhàng]
  1. 他们凭仗着顽强不屈的精神克服了重重困难。

    They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spirit .

  2. 他凭仗妻子的财富才能幸运地踏入政界。

    His wife 's wealth was a happy circumstance that enabled him to enter politics .

  3. 互联网络成为一种威力壮大的工具,凭仗它,各类人都能够进行各种交互式运动。

    It has emerged as a powerful means for parties of every type to conduct interactions of every type .

  4. 金砖五国作为新兴经济体,凭仗其巨大的国土面积、丰富的资源禀赋、众多的人口规模、迅速崛起的经济,在世界上的影响力越来越大。

    As emerging economies and its vast land , abundant resources endowment , numerous population size , rapid rise of economy , BRICS are playing more and more important role in the world .