
shāng wáng
  • casualties;loss;injuries and deaths
伤亡 [shāng wáng]
  • (1) [casualties;loss]∶受伤和死亡的人

  • 伤亡惨重

  • (2) [injuries and deaths]∶受伤和死亡

  • 伤亡很大

伤亡[shāng wáng]
  1. 预防海盗及防止船员人身伤亡

    Prevention of pirates ' attacts and injuries and deaths of crew

  2. 本文阐述了地震造成人员伤亡和经济损失的主要原因。

    The earthquake can cause personal injuries and deaths and economic losses .

  3. 部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。

    The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses .

  4. 鉴别坠机意外伤亡者的工作费时而且困难重重。

    The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task .

  5. 敌人遭受了惨重伤亡。

    Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy .

  6. 双方都伤亡惨重。

    Both sides had suffered heavy casualties .

  7. 两名伤亡人员已空运到安全地区。

    Two casualties were airlifted to safety .

  8. 敌军伤亡惨重。

    Enemy troops suffered heavy losses .

  9. 有人担心伤亡总数可能会更高。

    There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher .

  10. 如果出现伤亡,这些国家就会进入交战状态。

    If blood is spilled the countries will be at war .

  11. 理智的人都不愿意看到冲突或伤亡。

    No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties .

  12. 军队在皇宫附近向示威人群开枪,造成大量伤亡。

    Troops fired on demonstrators near the Royal Palace causing many casualties .

  13. 每日伤亡人数已经大大减少。

    The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply .

  14. 伤亡人数依然不明。

    There 's still confusion about the number of casualties

  15. 在正式通知亲属前,伤亡人员名单暂时保密。

    Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives

  16. 这场战役应该是速战速决,基本没什么伤亡。

    The campaign would be short and relatively bloodless .

  17. 关于平民的伤亡还没有确凿的信息。

    There is no reliable information about civilian casualties

  18. 减少伤亡人数对于维护公众形象很重要。

    Limiting casualties is important for public relations .

  19. 声明里没有提及政府方面的伤亡情况。

    The statement made no mention of government casualties

  20. 现在的头等政治大事就是要控制美国人的伤亡人数。

    The most important political imperative is to limit the number of US casualties .

  21. 今天早上的攻击似乎是经过精心策划、想要尽量减少伤亡的。

    It seems that the attack this morning was very carefully planned to cause few casualties

  22. 盟军伤亡人数不到20,而敌军则据说人员损失惨重。

    The allies suffered less than 20 casualties while enemy losses were said to be high .

  23. 他们遭受重大伤亡。

    They have taken heavy casualties .

  24. 有人问他伤亡情况,但他说清点尸体是没有意义的。

    He was asked about casualties , but said it would serve no purpose to count bodies

  25. 英国的伤亡人数始终很低。

    British casualties remained remarkably low

  26. 除了伤亡之外,还有许多人失踪。

    In addition to the killed and wounded , many were missing .

  27. 战争给作战双方都造成很大伤亡。

    The war produced many casualites in both armies .

  28. 这场飓风中有许多人伤亡。

    Many casualties occured during the hurricane .

  29. 伤亡数以百计。

    Casualties numbered in the thousands .

  30. 那次战役太平军因腹背受敌,伤亡惨重。

    That battle took a heavy toll of the Taiping troops for they were attacked front and rear .