
shānɡ jīn
  • impairment of body fluids
  1. 一年中最热,酷热多雨,暑易伤津耗气,易中暑及食欲不振,避免暴晒。清淡饮食,充分休息。

    Hottest time of the year , many rains , take Yin-nourishing food to avoid summer heat hearts Body Fluids , prevent heatstroke and inappetence , light food and enough rest

  2. 结果表明,糖尿病各个证型的血糖和尿糖检测值均有不同程度的差别,其中主要表现为热证的燥热伤津和胃热津亏两型。增液汤治疗便秘(津亏液竭)实验研究

    The result showed that the blood and urine suger values in each type of dia-betes were different . The Experiment Study on Fluid-Increasing Decoction in Treating Constipation Due to Exhaustion of Yin Fluid and Body Fluid

  3. 此类温病具有起病较急,热象显著,易伤阴津,传变较快,易内陷生变的特点。

    They are characterized by acute onset , obvious fever , deficiency of Yin , fast progress and easiness to invagination and change .