
  • 网络background sound;Background Audio;PLAY-DURING
  1. 背景声音干扰处于编码阶段和复述阶段。

    The disruption by background sound is imposed at both encoding and rehearsal periods .

  2. 环境的背景声音指的是所有可听到的突出声音,比如空房间里的“静默之声”,餐馆里的谈话,或者森林里的沉寂。

    The background sound of an environment in relation to which all foreground sounds are heard , such as the'silence'of an empty room , conversation in a restaurant , or the stillness of a forest .

  3. 使页面能够带有背景声音或配音。

    Enables an author to create pages with background sounds or soundtracks .

  4. 很多家庭都会在忙着其他事情的时候,把电视机开着当背景声音。

    Many households leave their TVs on as background noise while they 're doing other things .

  5. 但它没有考虑到背景声音对大脑的影响和干扰。

    According to him , in such settings , no-one can concentrate for long due to constant interruptions and distractions .

  6. 在背景声音中,你还可以听到,Haper也惊讶的说道:“我都不知道布鲁克林会来。”

    In the background you can hear little Harper exclaim , " I didn 't know Brooklyn was coming . "

  7. 研究人员们采集了大约200份声音样本,其中包含了人类和犬类的发音,以及环境噪音和静默时的背景声音。

    Researchers collected almost 200 sound samples , including human and canine vocalizations , as well as environmental noises and silence .

  8. 除了人物对话,我们还可以听到上海当前的各种背景声音,为下一代上海人提供音频参考素材。

    The current sounds of Shanghai can be heard behind the dialog and also serve as an audio document for future generations of Shanghainese .

  9. AfterShokz耳机将音乐直接传送至内耳,而不会隔绝汽车喇叭声、警告的叫喊声和其他背景声音。

    By transmitting music directly to the inner ear , AfterShokz headphones don 't block out sirens , warning shouts and other background noises .

  10. 确实,曼联电视那些耳朵够好的观众一定也能听到一些我们转播席的背景声音。

    Indeed , MUTV viewers with pin-sharp hearing might have been able to pick up bits of this discussion in the background of my commentary .

  11. 每当听到圣西罗南看台充满激情、旋律动人、整齐划一的歌声,我总会感到热血沸腾,即使在电视直播中他们只是作为背景声音出现。

    Hearing the lyrical , marvelous , beautifully synchronized songs of the Curva Sud each time gives me the goose bumps even overhearing them on the back ground on tv .

  12. 针对飞行模拟机背景声音的复杂性与多样性,分析了目前声音仿真技术中不同实现方法的优缺点。

    In view of the complexity and variety of flight simulation device sound system , this paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the different implementation methods of current sound simulation .

  13. 对我而言,参与许多国际化的行动,与来自不同文化背景的声音艺术家合作是比较有趣。

    I am interested in cooperation on an international level , that 's why I want to become part of many actions .

  14. 电子杂志是迄今为止最大程度上整合多种媒介功能的媒介工具,它利用多媒体技术,集动画、视频短片和背景音乐、声音甚至3D特效等各种效果于一体,内容丰富生动。

    E-magazine is so far the largest extent and the functional integration of a variety of media tools . It uses multimedia technology , set Flash animation , video clips , background music , sound effects or even 3-D effects such as integrated , rich content lively .

  15. 数码杂志随着计算机技术应运而生,它利用多媒体技术,集Flash动画、视频短片和背景音乐、声音甚至3D特效等各种效果于一体,内容丰富生动。

    With the advanced computer technology , the digital magazine was born . By the means of multimedia technology , it is a blend of all effects & flash , video , background music and sound , even 3D effects . Therefore , its content is very vivid .

  16. 有一天,当马丁内兹先生在家面对一只烦躁不安的小猫手足无措时,他发现当他把背景音乐的声音稍微开大一点,Snickers马上就安静下来了。

    Faced with a nervous , restless cat at home one day , Mr Martinez discovered that Snickers calmed down almost as soon as he turned up the background music a little .

  17. 弱背景声对声音信号感受的影响

    Influence of weak background sound on sound signal perception

  18. 在背景中播放声音。

    Play a sound in the background .

  19. 他的百老汇背景,他的声音跨度从男低音到男高音。

    From his Broadway background , his vocal ability ranges from the bass-baritone to the tenor range .

  20. 例句城里新开的那家餐馆的背景音乐放得声音很大。

    The new restaurant in town plays elevator music really loudly .

  21. 如果你需要背景音乐抵消其他声音,你也可以做到。

    If you like background music to fend off other sounds , you can have that .

  22. 本工作在6名受试者身上比较了在有及无连续背景声作用下声音信号感受阈的变化。

    The thresholds of sound signal perception in the presence or absence of a continuous background sound were compared on 6 subjects .

  23. 主题是背景和一组声音,图标和其它帮您用一个单击就可个人化您的计算机的元素。

    A theme is a background plus a set of sounds , icons , and other elements to help you personalize your computer with one click .

  24. 去聆听来自不同背景的人的声音和担忧,而不是那些肤浅的对话体验。

    To listen to the real concerns of someone from a different background - and not just their everyday , superficial experiences - that 's pretty uncomfortable .