
bēi dài
  • straps;shoulder strap;braces;suspenders;sling;gallusus
背带 [bēi dài]
  • (1) [suspenders]∶搭在肩上、系住裤子或裙子的带子

  • (2) [straps]∶背背包用的带子

  • (3) [sling]∶背枪用的带子

背带[bēi dài]
  1. 当他提到泰迪熊背带和开着保时捷(Porsche)的年轻人时,他并不是表示对这些现象的认可。

    When he refers to teddy bear braces and young people driving Porsches , it is not with approbation .

  2. 我们班老穿背带裤的女生。

    The girl in my class with the wall-to-wall braces .

  3. 这些背带可进行调整以适合使用者。

    The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer .

  4. 没有如何将背带系在盒子上的说明。

    There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box

  5. 返回岸上后,救生衣就会瘪掉,恢复成背带状。

    When it returns to shore , the life-jacket will deflate and revert to a harness

  6. 但是要确保你有一个专业的飞行员,且注意他的降落伞背带要系紧。

    Just make sure that you have a professional pilot strapped in the harness of your parachute .

  7. 白色T-shirt搭配黑色或者牛仔背带裤

    a white t-shirt suited with a black bib or jeans bib

  8. 他在定制款夹克衫上运用了朋克风格的背带(punkharnessing)以及小巧优雅的设计理念,显得时尚味十足。

    It had a fashion attitude in its use of punk harnessing , and neat ideas in its tailored blousons .

  9. 如今,该组织在美国各地有很多分部,包括上个月在五个城市聚会庆祝“国际婴儿背带周”(InternationalBabywearingWeek,旨在表彰把小孩捆在胸前的父母们)的奶爸们。

    Today there are subsets of the group all across the country , including men who gathered in five cities last month to celebrate " International Babywearing Week " ( that is , a week to honor parents with small children strapped to their chests ) .

  10. 这一配角由女星蕾雅·赛杜扮演,当年她还出演了普拉达的糖果香水广告。鲶鱼�赛琳Belt包的实际名称源自它的背带,这个背带下垂到两边,让包呈现独特的外观,就像鲶鱼的脸——于是便有了这款包众所周知的名称。

    The belt that gives Celine 's Belt bag its actual name dangles down on each side , giving the bag a distinctive look that resembles the face of a catfish - the name by which the bag is often known .

  11. 可选的可用密封(IP54,挡泥板),袋子和背带。

    Optional available with seal ( IP54 , splash guard ), bag and carrying strap .

  12. 侗族刺绣主要用于装饰服饰和小孩的背带盖。

    Dong national embroidery is used predominantly for clothes and ornaments .

  13. 伞上的链子可以系在狗狗的项圈或背带上。

    A chain connects the umbrella to a collar or harness .

  14. 把背带穿过取景器盖和肩垫。

    Slip the viewfinder cap and shoulder pad onto the strap .

  15. 有双背带的中等或大容量的包包。

    Tote : A medium to large bag with two straps .

  16. 背带你的帐篷到山顶。

    Pack your tents to the top of the mountain .

  17. 那根背带的棋盘格花纹不停地在他脑子里显现出来。

    The checkered pattern of that suspender recurred incessantly to his mind .

  18. 她找到了一件浅粉色细背带的。

    She found one , light pink with thin straps .

  19. 有些孩子使用背带来吊住裤子。

    Some boys wear suspenders to keep their trousers up .

  20. 但那是谁帮你将背带裤染成彩色的,我的孩子?

    But who was it coloured that little frock , my child .

  21. 背包上有两条背带。

    A rucksack has straps that go over the shoulders .

  22. 他很快换好衣服,并注意到她穿的是有背带的长衬衣。

    He dressed quickly and then saw she was in her slip .

  23. 他们前往那里的时候,艾伦的背带突然断了,

    While they were there , Alan 's braces burst .

  24. 母亲们用背带把她们的娃娃带在身边。

    Mothers carry their babies around with them in slings .

  25. 为什么我一定要系上背带,戴上眼镜?

    Why do I have braces and wear glasses ?

  26. 那一款我们还有通心粉背带的款式。

    We also have that style with spaghetti straps .

  27. 时尚的木制手柄,包括与肩部背带防护罩。

    With sleek wooden handle and includes protective cover with shoulder carrying strap .

  28. 他仔细地让我的胳膊挎上背带。

    He put the strap carefully over my arm .

  29. 孩子们快帮你们大哥系上保险背带

    Kids , help your brother into his harness .

  30. 娃崽背带的装饰纹样与民俗心态

    Decorative Pattern of Baby Back Pack and Folk-custom Feeling