
  • 网络anticline pools;anticlinal reservoir
  1. DH油田1号背斜油藏描述⑦背斜油气藏。

    Description of hydrocarbon reservoir in No. 1 anticline in the DH oil field . ⑦ anticlinal reservoir .

  2. 河口构造油气藏特征及形成条件柯克亚背斜油气藏形成条件

    Characteristic of Hekou structural petroleum pool and geological factors of its formation

  3. 焉耆盆地非背斜油气藏形成条件及勘探方向

    Formation factors and perspective exploration of none-anticline reserviors in Yanqi Basin of China

  4. 油气藏类型有(断裂)背斜油气藏、断裂鼻状构造油气藏、断块油气藏等。

    Reservoir types are faulted / anticlinal , nose - like faulted , fault-blocked and so on .

  5. 已发现的油气藏均为背斜油气藏,非背斜圈闭油气勘探虽然取得一些进展,但尚未取得有商业价值的突破。

    Reservoirs have been found are anticline reservoir , non-anticline trap exploration despite get some progress , but not yet made a breakthrough in commercial value .

  6. 作为发育大型披覆背斜油气藏的凸起主体,良好的成藏条件决定了它成为埕岛油田最主要的油气聚集区。

    The large drape anticline develops in the main part of uplift , which has good conditions for hydrocarbon acumulation and is the most important area of production .

  7. 剥蚀区以下的油气藏有背斜油气藏或断层油气藏、向斜油气藏及泥质岩油气藏,其烃源岩和油气藏可有密切的接触关系。

    And there are anticline reservoir , fault reservoir , incline reserve ir , mudstone reservoir under the denudation area , and the source rock is contact with the reservoir .

  8. 本文从圈闭要素及其各要素的演化、油气成藏演化等因素综合分析,认为该油气藏区域特征表现为受阿克库勒构造与岩溶凸起共同控制的层状背斜油气藏。

    Studies on trap elements , and formation and evolution of pools indicated that the regional characteristics of pools are of layer anticlinal pools controlled by the Akkol structure and karst .

  9. 建议加强塔东和群克低凸起寒武系灰岩背斜油气藏和震旦系白云岩地层不整合油气藏的勘探。

    It was suggested that the further survey should be enforced in the Cambrian limestone anticlinal pools and the Sinian dolomite unconformity pools in the Tadong and the Qunke low convexes .

  10. 在川中&川南过渡带非背斜油气藏地震勘探中,用模糊数学方法识别含油气地震反射异常见到了良好的效果。

    Excellent result in identifying hydrocarbon seismic reflection anomaly with the use of fuzzy mathematical method has been received in seismic exploration for non-anticlinal hydrocarbon reservoir in transitional zone between mid Sichuan and south Sichuan .

  11. 塔里木盆地具备发育非背斜圈闭油气藏的条件。

    There are favorable condition for formation of non anticlinal oil & gas pools in the Tarim Basin .

  12. 它们均可发育和形成非背斜圈闭油气藏,对这一类油气藏进行研究将为塔里木盆地油气勘探提供广阔的前景。

    All of these proved conditions for formation of non anticlinal oil and gas pools , which may indicate a bright future for hydrocarbon exploration in the basin .

  13. 寻找非背斜圈闭油气藏在于地震运动学与动力学信息的充分应用,在于地震资料的特殊处理和各种新技术的广泛采用。

    The discovery of non anticline straps will mainly depend on the application of seismic kinematic and dynamic information , target oriented seismic processing and widely use of new techniques .

  14. 万安盆地存在有基岩潜山型油气藏、断块型油气藏、生物礁岩隆型油气藏和背斜型油气藏四大类型。

    There are four types of hydrocarbon reservoirs which are hill trap with basement rock , fault block trap , anticlinal trap and lithological-stratigraphic trap with carbonate plat - form or reefs in Wan'an basin .

  15. 对典型的油藏构造(背斜和断层油气藏)进行了数值模拟,模拟结果表明海洋CSEM法可以区分油气是否存在。

    Model results show The results show that the marine CSEM method can distinguish between the existence of oil and gas .

  16. 地面油气显示不能证明地下已无油气藏存在,不能排除在该区找到大型逆冲断层遮挡圈闭型及牵引背斜圈闭型油气藏的可能。

    It is possible to find oil and gas pools of thrust fault covered trap type and traction fold type .

  17. 而通常的非背斜隐蔽性油气藏,则遵循上气下水的常规分布格局。

    However , normal non-anticline subtle reservoirs have normal distribution of gas and water , namely the water located under the gas .

  18. 成藏期总体时间长,多期成烃,多次充注,同期不同源,是中央背斜带油气成藏的基本模式。

    Multiple phases of hydrocarbon generation , multiple recharging , multiple accumulation and multiple source rocks are fundamental oil and gas accumulation models in the zone .

  19. 目前,发现的油气田主要为背斜型构造油气藏,找到具有接替意义的非背斜圈闭是现在勘探任务的重中之重。

    The fields found are mainly anticline structure reservoirs at present . The most important of exploration assignment is to find non-anticline traps which replace the old ones .

  20. 自1993年开始进行风险勘探以来,钻探目标主要是背斜圈闭,主要油气藏类型均为背斜或断背斜型。

    Since 1993 , the drilling targets of this basin have been focused on anticline traps all along .

  21. 该盆地油气藏圈闭成因类型主要为与逆断层有关的背斜、断背斜油气藏;

    Study revealed that the genetic types mainly are anticline related to reverse fault and faulted anticline oil and gas reservoirs ;

  22. 目前,它主要包括砂砾岩体、火山岩体、深部潜山、低幅度背斜和裂缝型油气藏。

    At present , it includes sand / gravel body , vulcanite body , deep buried-hill , anticline with low amplitude and fractured reservoir etc.

  23. 发现凸起与低凸起之上的披覆背斜与走滑扭压背斜是渤海最佳油气藏类型;

    It is found that the draping anticline on salient and the wrench - compression anticline on low salient are the most valid type of hydrocarbon-bearing pool .