- 网络background field

Environment Background Field of Atmospheric Transportation
Calculation of the weak coupling β function in the weinberg-salam model using background field quantization
Higgs Mechanism and Background Field Method
A similar visualization works for CPT violation , but in this case the effects occur because particles and antiparticles have different couplings to the background fields .
In this paper we study the difinition , characters and establishment of the background field of the crustal deformation , the global plate motion models and Chinese plate motion models based on the direct measurements and indirect ones from space geodesy .
To improve the accuracy of obtaining the snow cover area from MSS , this paper explores a method of snow cover mapping based on NDVI background field .
In the fog-forecasting model , based on BP neural networks technique , the forecast factors and forecast index can better describe the whole background , in which developed the heavy fog , it consists of numerous information and has effective application .
The interdecadal background field of the North Pacific HST has strong modulation on its interannual variations , and this interannual variations have certain corresponding relation to the ENSO events .
THE noncommutative geometry is developed by A. Connes in mathematics and introduced into superstring theory by E.
The initial fields of control experimentation are evolved by the analysis from routine sounding and surface data .
The one-loop B.function for the weak coupling constant is calculated in the Weinberg-Salam model by using background-fleld quantization .
Calculation of the One-loop β Function for the Weak Coupling Constant in the Weinberg-Salam Model Using Background Field Quantization
Influenced by large-scale backgrounds like South Asian summer monsoon subtropical high 、 solar radiation , etc from May to October , the spatial distribution of MCVs developed first and then decreased .
Total field is divided into two parts : background field and scattering field in forward modeling concerning with each iteration in the article , the background field is calculated by FFM numerical approximation ;
The estimating and tuning combines NMC method which bases on forecast samples and IV method which bases on observation samples . To deal with the covariance matrix of background errors B , three skills are used .
The simulative results basically reproduce the environment of the large-mesos scale of developing by analyzing the results obtained , the simulative results of interactive nesting area preferably revealed the special structure , and the vertical motion of moist neutral characteristics obviously in particular .
The result indicated the most meteorological situation to the PM_ ( 10 ) diffusion corresponds to the largest increment of mass concentration of PM_ ( 10 ), but not necessarily the highest mass concentration of PM_ ( 10 ) .
The Casimir energy is a kind of zero-point energy of quantized fields and can be considered as the energy of vacuum polarization of quantized fields due to the presence of boundaries , the curvature of the space-time manifold or some background fields .
3 ) There are significant differences in atmospheric general circulation and SST between the cold and warm periods , and the inter-decadal variations of the winter air temperature and the East Asian winter monsoon ( EAWM ) are closely related to the inter-decadal background of SSTA ;
The present paper have solved the nonlinear two-dimensional fluid-dynamics equations on a y-z plane by using travelling-wave method and analyzed the characteristics of nonlinear viscous elliptic cosine wave and inertial-gravitational wave with CISK heating process in a baroclinic basic flow .
The selection of background field on the irregular interior point .
Background of Crustal Motion in Ch in ese ma in land
Numerical Study on the Propagation of Gravity-Wave Packet in Time-Variant Background Fields
Structural setting of multi-scale geological anomaly in Central Yunnan Province
Magnetic field loss and properties of magnetic response of bi2223 / ag tape
Flavor-Singlet Axial-Vector Current in Quark Model Within Background Field
Mathematical methods to calculate the seismo-geomagnetic background field
Observation and study of the background field of seismic hydrogeochemistry in West Shandong Province
The Impacts of Background Fields and Parameterization Schemes on Torrential Rain Forecast in GRAPES-meso
An Analysis of Features of Anomalous Winter Temperature in Shandong Province in Recent 41 Years