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bèi qì
  • abandon;betray;desert;renounce;turn back on
背弃 [bèi qì]
  • [abandon;desert;renounce] 违背并毁弃

  • 背弃前言

背弃[bèi qì]
  1. 永远不在你朋友需要的时候背弃他。

    You never abandon a friend in a time of need .

  2. 我很高兴看到他没有被自己的名望冲昏头脑,也没有因此而背弃老朋友。

    I 'm glad to see that fame hasn 't spoilt him and made him abandon his old friends .

  3. 有人指责他背弃了他先前的社会主义理想。

    He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals .

  4. 如果我们支持死刑,那就背弃了我们立国的理念。

    We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment .

  5. 内阁可能背弃这些承诺。

    The cabinet may backpedal on these commitments .

  6. 凭良心她不能背弃与他达成的协议。

    She could not , in good conscience , back out on her deal with him .

  7. 这个作家已背弃了他原来的艺术标准,现在只是卖文为生。

    The writer has sold out his artistic standards and now just writes for a living .

  8. 我们以前的一些最忠实的会员都背弃了我们。

    Some of our most loyal members now have fallen off .

  9. 他不愿背弃他的同志们。

    He didn 't want to give his comrades away .

  10. 这些承诺已遭背弃。

    These commitments have already been breached .

  11. 他被朋友们背弃了。

    He was forsaken by his friends .

  12. 他所谓的“朋友”都背弃了他。

    All his so-called friends deserted him .

  13. 我恳求你不要背弃我。

    I conjure you not to betray me .

  14. 越来越多企业正考虑背弃oracle与sap,即便不再获得定期升级。

    A growing number of firms are thinking about defecting from Oracle and sap , even though they would no longer get regular updates .

  15. 马克:它是关于一些唱片艺术家和其他一些人背弃了非洲裔美国黑人文化,在IceCube看来,他们这样做是为了获得更多的粉丝。

    Mark : It 's about recording artists and other people who turn their back on African American culture , as Ice Cube saw it , to try to get more fans .

  16. 如果谷歌员工都背弃了互联网语言,如今遵从《德布雷特礼仪与现代言行指南》(Debrett'sGuidetoEtiquetteandModernManners)推荐的方式来写电子邮件,那么一定有某个地方正在发生某种改变。

    If Google employees have forsworn the language of the internet and are now composing e-mails in the manner recommended by Debrett 's Guide to Etiquette and Modern Manners , something must be shifting somewhere .

  17. 我是说你为了达到目的而背弃了我,把我推向Blair,推向那Dartmouth。

    I mean , you 've been selling me out trying to make it happen , pushing me towards Dartmouth , towards Blair .

  18. 我是说,你为了达到目的而背弃了我。toward:向;朝着把我推向Blair,推向那Dartmouth。

    I mean , you 've been selling me out trying to make it happen , pushing me towards Dartmouth , towards Blair . -

  19. 或许通过在自己的国家扮演现在的角色,装可怜,可以吸引到一些FANS,但是这些FANS慢慢的会看到他隐藏的另外一面而背弃他。

    He might be able to attract a few fans from his mother country by acting the way he is now , but soon , they will see the deeper side to the issue and turn their backs on him .

  20. 卡里是在一份联合声明上签署了自己名字的几个比特币企业家之一。该声明谴责MtGox悲剧性地背弃了人们的信任,并承诺将共同努力,恢复人们的信心。

    Mr Cary was one of several Bitcoin entrepreneurs to append his name to a joint statement condemning the tragic violation of trust at Mt Gox , and promising to work together to restore confidence .

  21. 没有借口、没有谎言和没有背弃的诺言。

    No excuses , no lies , and no broken promises .

  22. 他失败后,他的许多支持者背弃了他。

    After his defeat , many of his supporters fell away .

  23. 我宁呆死也不愿背弃我对她的誓言。

    I 'll die rather than forfeit my pledge to her .

  24. 政府在背弃自己增加开支的承诺。

    The government is backtracking on its commitment to increase spending .

  25. 学堂乐歌与日本音乐的暗合与背弃

    The Hidden Similarity and Betrayal between School Songs and Japanese Music

  26. 不要背弃我,在我需要时。

    Do not forsake me , in my hour of need .

  27. 她背弃了我们,倒向了另一边。

    She sold out to the other side and left us .

  28. 一个人永远也不能背弃自己的祖国。

    One should never turn his back on his home country .

  29. 你们没有正当理由背弃合同。

    You have no grounds for backing out of the contract .

  30. 斯塔奇环顾四周求援,但是全都背弃了他。

    Starkey looked round for help , but all deserted him .