
  • 网络Back;shell;dorsal valve;brachial valve
  1. 玻璃背壳可以让iPhone8发挥非常方便的无线充电新功能。

    The glass back allows for the iPhone 8 " s handiest new feature , wireless charging .

  2. 作为一部手机,华为P9相当帅气,拥有金属拉丝的铝合金背壳,结构坚固。

    As a phone , the P9 is a handsome device with a brushed aluminium back and solid build .

  3. 早在2013年年底,LG公司推出的GFlex手机便在其背壳中使用了一种自我修复材料,该材料可在几分钟之内自动修复划痕以及其他表面磨损。

    In late 2013 , the LG G Flex came out with a self-healing back that automatically repaired scratches and other wear and tear in a matter of minutes .

  4. 这个鳍是由海龟公司开发的一个海龟营救设备,用氯丁橡胶连结在Allison的背壳上。

    Attached to Allison 's shell with neoprene , the fin was developed at Sea Turtle , Inc. , a turtle-rescue facility .

  5. 其最新设备ngp(下一代掌机)也采用了各种新技术,如触屏和触摸式背壳。

    Its latest device , the NGP ( next generation portable ) , is also packed with new technology , such as a touch screen and touch-sensitive back casing .

  6. 把线从房顶引下来,通过电视机背壳上的洞穿进去。

    Lead the wire in from the roof , through these holes in the back of the television set .

  7. 反而,光线会以这样的方式从多层背壳上反射出来:其背壳变成了半透明状态,展现出内层的红色。

    Instead , light reflects off the layers in such a way that the shell becomes translucent , revealing red pigment beneath .

  8. 当甲虫的背壳变干之后,光线就不再均匀地反射出来,破坏了闪亮的金黄色镜似效果。

    When the beetle dries out its exoskeleton , the light no longer bounces off evenly , foiling the shiny , golden , mirrorlike effect .

  9. 新机型的背壳是玻璃材质的,你以为会更脆弱,但实际上却稍微增加了抓握力,使得它们更不容易遭受滑落之灾。

    The new models have a glass back , which you would think would make them more delicate but which actually adds a slight grippiness , making them less prone to catastrophe .

  10. 梭子蟹下脚料是梭子蟹蟹肉加工的废弃物,包括蟹脚、背壳和内脏等,其中蛋白质含量占30%~40%。

    The swimming crab wastes were litters from the processing of the swimming crab , consisting of crab claws , crab tergum , viscera and so on which are rich in proteins of 30 % - 40 % .

  11. 台湾海洋大学教授何平合说,和这种螃蟹类似的物种都生活在夏威夷、波利尼西亚群岛和毛里求斯附近海域,但是台湾南岸的这种物种背壳只有1英寸(2.5厘米)宽,看上去和其他物种截然不同。

    National Taiwan Ocean University professor Ho Ping-ho says the crab resembles the species living in the areas around Hawaii , Polynesia and Mauritius . But it has a distinctive clam-shaped shell about 1 inch ( 2.5 centimeters ) wide , making it distinct .

  12. 分析了手机背壳支架的工艺特点,介绍了手机背壳支架注射模具的结构及工作过程,阐述了颇具特色的内侧抽芯机构及斜顶机构。

    The process character of back shell bracket of mobile phone is analyzed , and both the structure and working process of injection mold of back shell bracket of mobile phone are introduced , as well as the special inner side core-drawing mechanism and slanting rejecting mechanism are stated .

  13. 小小蜗牛背着壳在3月发表在《儿童疾病档案》(ArchivesofDiseaseinChildhood)最新研究中,西班牙的研究人员评估了1403名12-17岁儿童的书包重量和背部健康。

    In the newest study , published in March in the Archives of Disease in Childhood , researchers in Spain assessed the backpacks and back health of 1403 pupils ages 12 to 17 .

  14. 浅析江西省龙南塔背风化壳型锆铪矿床地质特征

    Discussion about the geological characteristics of the Tabei weathering crust-type Zr , Hf deposit in Longnan County , Jiangxi Province

  15. 大多数蜗牛背上有壳。

    Most snails have shells on their backs .

  16. 蜗牛背着他的壳走。

    The snail pulls his shell as he walks .

  17. 叶子已经完全枯黄了,小蜗牛也越来越小,背上的壳几乎快撑不住了。

    The leaves have been totally withered , and the little snail became less and less so that it almost could not support the shell on back .

  18. 面层和背层制壳对干燥室的温度、湿度、风速有不同的要求,应分别制订不同的工艺规范。

    The different processing specifications should be drawn individually due to different requirements for temperature , humidity and air-speed in drying chamber in face layer and back layer of silica sol mold shell .

  19. 他说:「他们背著椰壳走是为了可能面临的攻击作准备,这和其他动物面临攻击时才随手捡个东西放在头上遮蔽不同。」

    " They are doing it for the later benefit and that 's what makes it different from an animal that picks up something and puts it over its head for the immediate benefit ," he said .

  20. 芬恩说,章鱼行动速度较慢,比较容易受到掠食者的攻击,然而背著破椰壳可以躲避攻击,后来它们便以此作为遮蔽的屏障。

    Finn said the animals were slower and more vulnerable to predators while carrying the broken shells , which they later used as shelters .

  21. 它主导了称为背甲的海龟之背壳的形成,可能脊椎通过吸引肋骨细胞逐渐结合在一起而形成。

    It guides the formation of the upper part of the turtle 's shell , called the carapace , likely by attracting the cells that will become ribs .