  • body's back;back side of an object
  • unlucky;out-of-the-way;hard of hearing
  • with the back facing;turn away;leave;abandon

  • carry on the back;bear;shoulder
  • 人体后面从肩到腰的部分:~脊。~包。~影。

  • 物体的后面或反面:~面。刀~。~后。~景。

  • 用背部对着,与“向”相对:~光。人心向~。

  • 向相反的方向:~地性(植物向上生长的性质)。~道而驰。

  • 避开,离开:~地。~井离乡。

  • 凭记忆读出:~书。~诵。~台词。

  • 违反:违~。~离。~信弃义。

  • 不顺:~运。~兴(xìng )。

  • 偏僻:~静。

  • 听觉不灵:耳~。

  • 人用背驮(tuó)东西,引申为负担:~负。~包。~黑锅(喻受冤枉代人受过)。~包袱(喻有沉重的思想负担或经济负担)。


(用脊背驮) carry on the back:

  • 背一捆草

    carry a bundle of straw on the back


(担负) bear; shoulder:

  • 我怕背不起这样的责任。

    I'm afraid I can't shoulder such a responsibility.

  • 这个责任我还背得起。

    I presume I am up to this job.


(背脊; 脊梁; 躯干自肩至后腰的部分) body's back:

  • 马背

    the back of a horse


(物体的反面或后面) back side of an object:

  • 镜背

    back of a mirror;

  • 靠背

    back cushion;

  • 手背

    the back of the hand


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 背廷

    Bei Ting


[口] (不顺利; 倒霉) unlucky:

  • 手气背

    unlucky at card playing or gambling, etc.


(偏僻) out-of-the-way:

  • 背街

    back street;

  • 很背的小路

    a remote path


(听觉不灵) hard of hearing:

  • 耳朵真背

    be very hard of hearing


(背部对着; 转过去) with the back facing [towards]; turn away:

  • 背墙而立

    stand with the back towards the wall;

  • 把脸背过去

    turn one's face away;

  • 人心向背

    whether the people are for or against


(离开; 抛弃) leave; abandon:

  • 背离家园

    leave one's nation place


(躲避; 瞒) hide sth. from; do sth. in secret:

  • 背着人吃

    eat secretly;

  • 背着人说话

    talk behind sb.'s back


(背诵) recite from memory; repeat to memory; learn by heart:

  • 背课文

    recite the text;

  • 背台词

    speak one's lines


(违反) act contrary to; violate; break:

  • 背盟弃信

    violate a treaty


(昏迷) faint; fall unconcious:

  • 背过气了


  1. 背侧卷边石膏固定减少克雷氏骨折的并发症

    Plaster Fixation With Wrapping Sides on The Body 's Back Reducing The Fracture Complication

  2. “只要你的运气不是非常背,你总会看到秃头鹰的。”

    " You 're going to see eagles , unless you 're really unlucky . "

  3. 我在健身房练得过火了,结果弄伤了背。

    I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back .

  4. 我们与一批背着超大行囊的步行者擦肩而过。

    We passed a group of walkers , carrying huge packs .

  5. 公司背着1200万英镑的债务。

    The company was saddled with debts of £ 12 million .

  6. 她翻了个身,让太阳把她的背晒黑点。

    She rolled over to let the sun brown her back .

  7. 他把外衣搭在座椅背上。

    He draped his coat over the back of the chair .

  8. 这些人背着补给品疲惫地往山上爬。

    The men trudged up the hill , laden with supplies .

  9. 一听见他的说话声,她就背上一阵阵发冷。

    The sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine .

  10. 我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。

    I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags .

  11. 他扭过头去背着她,脸冲着暗处。

    His face was deep in shadow , turned away from her .

  12. 这些事件使该市背上了不应有的恶名。

    The events had stained the city 's reputation unfairly .

  13. 他热情地在我背上拍了一下。

    He gave me a hearty slap on the back .

  14. 他能感觉到太阳照射在背上的热度。

    He could feel the heat of the sun on his back .

  15. 一个小男孩骑在大象背上。

    A small boy rode on the elephant 's back .

  16. 他个子太高了,所以时常弓着背。

    He tends to stoop because he 's so tall .

  17. 这种行为使学生们背上骂名。

    This kind of behaviour gives students a bad name .

  18. 我背上感受到了阳光的温暖。

    I could feel the warm sun on my back .

  19. 背伤曾一度妨碍积极参加任何体育运动。

    A back injury prevented active participation in any sports for a while .

  20. 她在他背上重重打了一拳。

    She gave him a thump on the back .

  21. 她背过脸,不去看面前可怕的场面。

    She averted her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her .

  22. 你肯定他没有背着你另有所爱?

    Are you sure he 's not two-timing you ?

  23. 为什么出了事总是让我背黑锅?

    Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong ?

  24. 我们背着提包拎着衣箱到了那里。

    We arrived , toting our bags and suitcases .

  25. 他背对着门站着。

    He stood with his back to the door .

  26. “祝贺你!”他拍着我的背说。

    ' Congratulations ! ' he said , slapping me on the back .

  27. 他一口气背出了整篇诗。

    He recited the whole poem in one breath .

  28. 他转身背对着墙。

    He turned his back to the wall .

  29. 我今天背疼得厉害。

    My back is really hurting me today .

  30. 猫弓起背发出嘶嘶声。

    The cat arched its back and hissed .