
  • 网络sundress;Vest Skirt;Jumper skirt
  1. 这件背心裙背部有一个巧妙的拉链。

    The sundress has a neat back zip fastening .

  2. 她穿着黄色的背心裙看上去非常轻松活泼。

    She looked very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress .

  3. 女生可以选择迷嬉裙或背心裙配上牛仔夹克或围巾,搭配凉鞋或芭蕾平底鞋。

    Gals can opt for a maxi dress or sundress paired with a denim jacket or scarf , and completed with sandals or ballet flats .

  4. 假如你是我,站在自己爸爸的身边,拉着他的手微笑着,而突然间,一颗子弹穿透了他的颅骨,而你的背心裙瞬间被他的鲜血染透。

    Put yourself in my shoes for a second . Imagine you 're standing next to your dad , holding his hand and smiling , when all of a sudden a bullet pierces through his skull and drenches your sundress in blood .

  5. 斯宾塞:我喜欢看你穿这身行头:背心配迷你裙。

    Spencer : I would love to see you in this outfit : a tank top and a miniskirt .

  6. 一个女人是这样变老的二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去,一说话就脸红。

    At the age of twenty , wearing a jeans jumper , I moved about on the campus , my face blushing the moment I had the inclination to make an utterance .