- commando;special detachment;special force;an armed secret agent squad;an armed intelligent unit

(1) [commando]∶离开主力单独执行特殊任务的部队
(2) [an armed intelligent unit]∶引申为武装特务组织
(3) [special force]∶由于某种特殊需要而作为一个整体被调动或派遣的一群士兵或水兵。亦称分遣队
Then in 1986 , realizing that the CAPP needed more teeth in its fight against uncivilized behavior , the mayor 's office transferred jurisdiction from the police to the new Bad Behavior Brigade .
With the help of some former Power Rangers-Adam ;
Brigade members don 't target homeless people , travelers , or people without documentation .
After the Rangers encounter a virus , Mack makes a startling discovery about himself .
In 2007 , the Brigade handed out 1200 tickets to adults for public urination .
I was out with dispatch .
For Mr. Rebete , the 53-year-old Brigade agent , public hygiene is about basic civic values .
By the end of June this year , the Brigade had already handed out 1100 tickets .
He spent some years as a Paris street cleaner and garbage-disposal worker before joining the Brigade last year .
Members of the Brigade say there is no high season for urinary offenses , but summertime heat heightens the stench .
Andrew recruits four elite teenagers to become Power Rangers and stop the Corona Aurora from falling into the wrong hands .
The Brigade works in shifts from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. , and agents always go out in teams of two .
Of the 20000 total infractions the Brigade records every year , one quarter involve people and dogs caught illegally relieving themselves in public .
Active enforcement by the Brigade , combined with aggressive advertising , managed to eliminate the dog-droppings problem rather quickly , city officials say .
The Power Rangers search ancient civilizations and all over the world to uncover the first jewel which was once used by Neptune-king of Atlantis .
After parting from the vanguard , the main portion of the clan sets out to their new home , foodstuffs , wares and slaves in tow .
City officials say it is hard to determine whether the rising number is due to a growing problem or to the crackdown by Mr. Rebete and his colleagues .
Turkey is furious after a United Nations report charged that Israel used excessive force in a commando raid on a Gaza aid flotilla last year in which nine Turkish activists were killed .