
bié dòng duì
  • commando;special detachment;special force;an armed secret agent squad;an armed intelligent unit
别动队 [bié dòng duì]
  • (1) [commando]∶离开主力单独执行特殊任务的部队

  • (2) [an armed intelligent unit]∶引申为武装特务组织

  • (3) [special force]∶由于某种特殊需要而作为一个整体被调动或派遣的一群士兵或水兵。亦称分遣队

别动队[bié dòng duì]
  1. 1986年,市政府意识到CAPP在抗击不文明行为的战斗中需要更多精英,便将有关权限从警方转交至新组建的“不良行为别动队”。

    Then in 1986 , realizing that the CAPP needed more teeth in its fight against uncivilized behavior , the mayor 's office transferred jurisdiction from the police to the new Bad Behavior Brigade .

  2. 辅以一些前政权别动队-亚当;

    With the help of some former Power Rangers-Adam ;

  3. 别动队成员并不针对无家可归者、旅游者,或者无身份者。

    Brigade members don 't target homeless people , travelers , or people without documentation .

  4. 经过别动队遇到一个病毒,麦克作出了惊人的发现对自己。

    After the Rangers encounter a virus , Mack makes a startling discovery about himself .

  5. 2007年,别动队向成人开出的随地小便罚单为1200张。

    In 2007 , the Brigade handed out 1200 tickets to adults for public urination .

  6. 我刚和别动队出去了。

    I was out with dispatch .

  7. 对于53岁的别动队特工雷贝特先生来说,公共卫生意味着基本的公民价值。

    For Mr. Rebete , the 53-year-old Brigade agent , public hygiene is about basic civic values .

  8. 到今年6月底,别动队已经开出1100张罚单。

    By the end of June this year , the Brigade had already handed out 1100 tickets .

  9. 在去年加入别动队之前,他曾担任巴黎的街道清扫工人和垃圾处理工人。

    He spent some years as a Paris street cleaner and garbage-disposal worker before joining the Brigade last year .

  10. “不良行为别动队”的成员表示,随地小便并没有突发的高峰季节,但是炎热的夏天通常会让大街小巷弥漫着恶臭。

    Members of the Brigade say there is no high season for urinary offenses , but summertime heat heightens the stench .

  11. 黄宏发新兵四名优秀青少年成为电力别动队以及阻止电晕极光落入坏人之手。

    Andrew recruits four elite teenagers to become Power Rangers and stop the Corona Aurora from falling into the wrong hands .

  12. “不良行为别动队”按班轮值,工作从早上6点开始一直持续到晚上11点。别动队的特工总是两两出行。

    The Brigade works in shifts from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. , and agents always go out in teams of two .

  13. 在别动队每年记录的20000例不良行为案例中,其中四分之一涉及人和狗非法随地小便。

    Of the 20000 total infractions the Brigade records every year , one quarter involve people and dogs caught illegally relieving themselves in public .

  14. 巴黎市政府官员表示,别动队积极的执法加上大力宣传很快消除了狗粪当道的问题。

    Active enforcement by the Brigade , combined with aggressive advertising , managed to eliminate the dog-droppings problem rather quickly , city officials say .

  15. 电力别动队搜索古代文明和世界各地揭露首次宝石这是曾经用过的海王星-国王亚特兰提斯。

    The Power Rangers search ancient civilizations and all over the world to uncover the first jewel which was once used by Neptune-king of Atlantis .

  16. 离开别动队之后,氏族的主力将携带着食品、货物和奴隶前往新家园。

    After parting from the vanguard , the main portion of the clan sets out to their new home , foodstuffs , wares and slaves in tow .

  17. 市政官员表示,目前难以确定罚单数量的增多是由于随地小便问题日益严重,还是雷贝特先生及其别动队同事的严厉执法。

    City officials say it is hard to determine whether the rising number is due to a growing problem or to the crackdown by Mr. Rebete and his colleagues .

  18. 联合国发布的一份报告指责说,去年以色列别动队在对开往加沙地带的救援船只进行突袭行动时使用了过度的武力,导致9名土耳其活动人士被杀。土耳其对此表示愤怒。

    Turkey is furious after a United Nations report charged that Israel used excessive force in a commando raid on a Gaza aid flotilla last year in which nine Turkish activists were killed .