
  • 网络Beslan
  1. 以新报(NovoyeVremya)为例,其老板原效力于一家大型日报,因为其在2004年别斯兰学校人质事件中过于直白的报道而遭开除。

    Take Novoye Vremya ( The New Times ) a new magazine whose boss was sacked from a big daily paper for his too-frank coverage of the Beslan school siege in2004 .

  2. 瓦勒拉的孩子现在不在别斯兰。

    Valera 's children aren 't in Beslan any more .

  3. 别斯兰的灾难性事件发生后,这是他首次与外籍人士见面。

    It was his first meeting with foreigners since the Beslan catastrophe .

  4. 别斯兰悲剧凸显了国际社会反恐的困境。

    Beslan tragedy focused the predicament the international anti-terrorism movement is facing .

  5. 克洛伊·阿诺德近日一直在别斯兰访问一些幸存者和那些正在为他提供协助的人。

    Chloe Arnold has been affair some of the survivors in Beslan and those aggravating to advice them .

  6. 俄罗斯对西方不断增加的猜疑可以追溯到2004年秋的别斯兰事件。

    Russia 's gathering suspicion towards the West can be traced in part to the autumn of2004 , and Beslan .

  7. 不久前在俄罗斯别斯兰市发生了骇人听闻的恐怖事件,造成包括众多儿童在内的重大人员伤亡。

    The appalling terror in Beslan , Russia not long ago caused massive casualties , many of whom are children .

  8. 别斯兰人质事件中有336人身亡,但这位俄罗斯总统在电视演讲中极少提到受害者所受的痛苦。

    After 336 people died in the Beslan tragedy , the Russian president in a televised speech dwelt little on their suffering .

  9. 别斯兰的护士和老师想尽各种方法提供协助,现在正对数百个失去子女的家庭进行走访。

    Nurses and agents in Beslan , atrocious to advice in any way they could , are now visiting some of the hundreds of families who absent their sons and daughters .

  10. 在普京先生于9月6日发表了讲话之后,别斯兰人开始举行大规模的葬礼,埋葬自己的孩子、亲属和朋友,而此时还有些人在搜集关于失踪者的消息。

    Mr Putin 's words on September6th followed a stream of funerals as the people of Beslan buried their children , relatives and friends , while others sought information on those still missing .

  11. 在俄罗斯国内,阿尔法小组也多次参加重大反恐、营救人质行动,比如2002年的莫斯科大剧院人质事件以及2004年的别斯兰人质危机。

    Domestically , Alpha has been involved in most of the major anti-terrorist / hostage operations in Russia such as the Moscow theatre siege of 2002 and the Beslan school siege in 2004 .

  12. 2004年俄北奥塞梯别斯兰市第一中学劫持人质事件,她曾希望充当车臣绑匪与俄军方间的调解人,结果途中遭人下毒、险些丧命。

    In2004 , on her way to the siege of a school in the North Ossetian town of Beslan , where she hoped to mediate between the Chechen hostage-takers and the Russian army , she was poisoned and nearly died .