
  • 网络Belgorod;Bjelgorod
  1. 2015年夏天,他在俄罗斯西南部的别尔哥罗德第一次发现了这只猫咪,之后,他发现这只猫咪每天都会蹲在同一个地方。

    He first spotted the cat in Belgorod , south-west Russia , in summer 2015 , and soon realised that it sits in exactly the same place every day .

  2. 很多保守派的俄罗斯人认为,情人节对青少年的精神和道德培养无益,该国别尔哥罗德省于2011年宣布,禁止举办任何形式的情人节庆祝活动。

    Many conservative Russians hold that Valentine 's Day makes no good on youngsters ' spiritual and moral development . So the government of Belgorodskaya Oblast announced in 2011 that the festival could not be celebrated in any form of activities .