
  • another edition of a book
别本 [bié běn]
  • [another edition of a book] 未刊稿的誉写本或某书籍的其他版本

  1. 别看本店小,专门供应各季适令商品,决不令您失望。

    Though small in size , the shop specially supplies seasonaBle goods . You 'll never Be disappointed .

  2. 那就穿拿衣柜里的宽松款衣服好了,别整天跟本和杰瑞厮混(指Ben&Jerry's牌冰激凌——译注)。

    Simply move to the looser end of the wardrobe , and stop hanging with Ben and Jerry .

  3. 奉劝你一句,别买这本书。

    Do yourself a favor , don 't buy the book .

  4. 别看日记本看你有的那几页

    Don 't look at the book , look at the pages .

  5. 别瞧不起这本书,它有它的用途。

    Don 't look down up this book , it 's very useful .

  6. 别碰那本书!那可是约翰的宝贝。

    Don 't lay your hands on that book . That 's John 's precious .

  7. 普及本:是书商用名词,意指平装本,有别于精装本。精装本:结实和硬皮装订的书箱。

    Paper back : Booksellers ' term to mean soft-cover book as distinguish form hard-cover book . Case-bound book : A term used to denote a book bound with a stiff or hard cover .

  8. 本公司按照承保险别,依据本保险单中载明的机动车辆保险条款以及其它特别约定,承担被保险人下列机动车的保险责任。

    In accordance with the insurance coverage , the motor insurance clauses and additional insurance as well as other special agreement set forth in this policy , our company will insure the following motor vehicle hereunder for the insured .

  9. 刘女士上周二告诉中国日报,鱼汤面卖出的数量每天都在上涨,也别是从本周开始。她还补充说道,仅在晚餐时刻,该餐馆就已经卖出了1100碗面条。

    The number of bowls of fish soup noodle being sold " has been picking up every day , especially since this week , " Liu told China Daily on last Tuesday , adding that the restaurant sold more than 1100 bowls during dinner .

  10. 在线谱对(LSP)的转换和自适应码本生成方面也采用了有别于传统码本激励线性预测算法的新技术。

    And its conversion of Line Spectral Pair ( LSP ) and the production of adaptive codebook are different from that of traditional CELP .

  11. 罗斯:别犯傻了,本爱你呢。

    Ross : Don 't be silly . Ben loves you .

  12. 还有,别谢我,本应我谢你。

    And don 't thank me . I should be thanking you .

  13. 来一段洋话注解,别奇怪,这本书上抄的,有错误与本人无关。

    Don 't strange , the book is wrong with the meter , and I.

  14. 不,先别进去,我们本想报警。

    Please don 't go in there yet .

  15. 别把你那本书拿走,该轮到我看了,你难道忘了吗?

    Don 't throw your book away ! I put dibs on it , remember ?

  16. 别忘了,别碰那本笔记,好吗?

    And don 't forget . don 't touch the note . okay ?