
bié zhēn
  • pin;safety pin;brooch;tack
别针 [bié zhēn]
  • [safety pin;pin] 一种有弹性的针,一端固定,另一端可开合,用以将布片、纸片等固定在一起

别针[bié zhēn]
  1. 她领口上别着一个宝石别针。

    She wore a jewelled brooch at the neck of her dress .

  2. 在上雕琢平面的封印别针在海洋蓝色和黑金刚石水晶;铑被镀的细节。

    Faceted seal brooch in Ocean Blue and Black Diamond crystal ; rhodium-plated details .

  3. 工作时,用别针把辫子固定住。

    Use pins to keep the braid in place as you work .

  4. 齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。

    Zita was herself unconventional , keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe .

  5. 爸爸取出一枚别针,将花别在她的外衣上。

    Dad took a pin and pinned the flower to her coat .

  6. 她用别针扣紧她的衣服。

    She fastened her coat with a pin .

  7. 金光闪闪的别针佩在我国爱国妇女的胸前,多美呀!

    How beautifully gold brooches glitter on the bosoms of our patriotic women !

  8. 请给我一个安全别针。

    Please give me a safety pin .

  9. 这个链接信息稍后将用于构建我所说的别针区域(pinarea)。

    This link information will subsequently be used to build what I am calling a pin area .

  10. 1997年,他们分析了克林顿政府一个被称作曲别针芯片(ClipperChip)的提议项目的技术风险和缺点。

    In 1997 , it analyzed the technical risks and shortcomings of a proposal in the Clinton administration called the Clipper chip .

  11. 目的:验证一种新型的带别针的Z型带膜食管支架(以下简称别针型支架)的安全性、稳定性和可取出性。

    Objective : To prove the safety , stability of a new " Z " type membrana-covered esophageal stent with pin , and convenience to be taken after the stent was placed .

  12. 海莉这位模特儿穿着粉色如同第二层皮肤的长袖长袍,在后背的装饰中有一个透明的“Wang”的别针。

    The model looked like a retro Barbie come to life in her pale pink , second-skin , long-sleeve column gown which featured an exposed like thong detailing in the back accessorized with a crystal " Wang " pin .

  13. 注意,只要外部电源提供是活跃的,GND别针可能不漂浮。

    Note that as long as the external power supply is active , the GND pin may not be floating .

  14. 有人说它像一枚三角型的曲别针,更无节操者甚至说它像是女性的某个器官。但是Airbnb公司仍然支持这个logo,该公司把它称做Bélo,并称它象征着归属感。

    Some likened it to a triangular paperclip or , even more crudely , to certain female anatomy.But the company still stands by the logo , which it calls B é lo and says represents belonging .

  15. 将安全别针穿过裤子上穿绳子的小孔。

    Push the safety pin through one of the drawstring holes .

  16. 两个或多个成群串在一起的小别针。

    Small pin usually worn in groups of two or more .

  17. 或许可以试着将铅笔向重的曲别针一边滑动。

    Or try sliding the pencil close to the heavier clip .

  18. 5.取下安全别针,绳子末端打结

    Step 5 Remove safety pin and tie knots in drawstring ends

  19. 在医院时,她还吞食了夹纸的别针。

    While in the hospital , the woman ingested paper clips .

  20. 我们用别针将衣服款式样图和布料别在上面。

    But on these we pinned sketches and pieces of material .

  21. 少年借用一枚安全别针逃跑出来。

    The teen used a safety pin to help him escape .

  22. 将安全别针固定在绳子的一端。

    Attach the safety pin to one end of the drawstring .

  23. 然后或许你可以用别针为我扎住。

    And then maybe you can pin it up for me .

  24. 你是说艾米丽偷了别针的白粉?

    You 're saying EM scraped the junk off the pin ?

  25. 我去拿点别针把它弄好。

    I 'll go get some pins to fit it .

  26. 我用别针将一张字条别在报告的后面。

    I attached a note to my report with a paper clip .

  27. 很久以前,每个曲别针都是手工做成的。

    Long ago , each pin had to be made by hand .

  28. 你也可以在这里做一个属于你自己的钮扣别针。

    You can also hand make your own buttons here .

  29. 别针可以防止纸张滑动。

    The pins will keep the two papers from moving .

  30. 她用曲别针把文件别在一起。

    She fastened the papers together with a paper clip .