
  • 网络Villa Apartments;Apartment-Haus
  1. 如果自备车辆的话,别墅公寓将会是不错的选择!

    If you have a car , this is very nice and will be the preferred option for you !

  2. 城中有多个中心区域,配有奢华的别墅与公寓、酒店和Spa、购物中心以及布满餐厅和酒吧的街道。

    There will be multiple town centres with luxury homes and apartments , hotels and spas , shopping malls and streets lined with restaurants and bars .

  3. 目击者称卡车从勒瓦尔基金会(FoundationLenval)儿童医院附近的一条小巷驶入盎格鲁街,左转上了人行道,路的对面是一排有阳台的海滨别墅和公寓楼。

    Witnesses said the truck had entered the Promenade des Anglais from a side street near the Foundation Lenval children 's hospital , turned left and mounted the sidewalk opposite a row of balconied seaside villas and apartment buildings .

  4. 想住别墅还是公寓。

    Apartment , I don 't like big houses .

  5. 而在住宅方面,我们的设计和施工部门又细分为别墅与公寓住宅两部分。

    In residential renovation , the department can be further divided into villas and apartments .

  6. 来海南观光的外国游客屈指可数,所以别墅与公寓的设计专为本国客户量身打造。

    With few foreign visitors to Hainan , villas and apartments are designed with Chinese clients in mind .

  7. 在克莱恩特坦帕度假村2006年开始销售以来,占地130英亩的度假村里,共有700套别墅、公寓、小屋和别墅单间被卖出。

    Set on130 acres , a total of700 villas , apartments , casitas and villa lots sold out during Caliente Tampa's2006 launch .

  8. 今年七月,一个价格约为2590万美金,位于葡萄牙南部,拥有1500栋别墅和公寓的豪华度假地在淘宝上售出。

    In July , a luxury resort , valued at about $ 258 million , with 1500 villas and apartments in southern Portugal was sold via Taobao auction .

  9. 我国房地产类型包括普通商品住宅、经济适用房、别墅和高档公寓及商业地产等。

    The domestic real estate includes the general commercial residential , economic application housing , villas , luxury residential and the commercial real estate .

  10. 以专业技术承造各类酒店、宾馆、别墅、高级公寓、写字楼的家私配套设施,有庞大的专业技术队伍。

    Professional and technical contractors to all types of hotels , guest houses , villas , apartment , office furniture facilities , a large professional team .

  11. 令人担忧的是,资金周转困难的老板们很可能会甩卖他们手头的新经典别墅和普通公寓,从而加速房市见顶,并对经济产生更广泛的危害。

    The fear is that overstretched borrowers will now dump their nouveau-classical villas and vulgar condominiums , upending the property market and inflicting wider damage on the economy .

  12. 金钱大量流进伦敦的高端房地产市场,人们对伦敦价值千万英镑的高价别墅和奢侈公寓的需求已经创下新高。

    The top-end London property market is awash with money . Demand for multi-million pound houses and luxury apartments in prime areas of the capital is at a record high .

  13. 他还接受了一些房产作为付款,目前他拥有“北美洲”的两座别墅和两套公寓。

    And he has also accepted property as payment he owns two villas and two apartments in North America .

  14. 明珠项目是一个计划容纳4.1万人口的楼盘,由1.8万栋别墅、联排别墅以及31栋公寓大厦围绕3个游船码头组成。

    The Pearl , a development planned to accommodate 41,000 , is a mix of 18,000 villas , townhouses and apartments in 31 tower blocks built around three marinas .