
luó xuán xīnɡ xì
  • spiral galaxy
  1. 新年伊始,NASA的哈勃太空望远镜拍到了一团旋转的星尘和气体,被称为螺旋星系ESO021-G004,捕捉到的图像令人震惊,提醒着我们地球其实是多么渺小和脆弱。

    On the brink of a new year , NASA 's Hubble Space Telescope snapped a swirling mass of star dust and gas , known as spiral galaxy ESO 021-G004 , and the resulting image is so gob-smacking , it 's an instant reminder of how tiny and fragile our home really is .

  2. 请注意,形状正常前瞻性的螺旋星系发生了变化。

    Note that the shape of the normal-looking spiral galaxy has changed .

  3. 类似的效应也会出现在恒星周围的残馀盘,以及螺旋星系周围的气体圆盘上。

    A similar effect flattens the debris disks around stars and the gaseous disks of spiral galaxies .

  4. 一个美丽的螺旋星系,恒星群从明亮核心中扫过。

    A beautiful spiral galaxy with its stars contained in large arms sweeping out from a bright core .

  5. 解说:这片灰蒙蒙的岛宇宙是在地球的夜空中最明亮的螺旋星系之一。

    Explanation : This dusty island universe is one of the brightest spiral galaxies in planet Earth 's sky .

  6. 银河是螺旋星系;那是如果观看从它在远处会类似螺旋。

    The Milky way is a spiral galaxy ; that is , if viewed from afar it would resemble a spiral .

  7. 另一种则是:椭圆星系是较晚才出现的,它们是螺旋星系合并的后果。

    The other is that ellipticals are relative latecomers , having been produced as a result of the merging of spiral galaxies .

  8. 因为多数的黑暗物质晕最终都带有角动量,我们要问:为什麽还会有星系不是螺旋星系?

    Because most dark matter halos end up with some angular momentum , one has to wonder why all galaxies aren 't spirals .

  9. 编辑是一个“宏伟设计”的螺旋星系,这意味着它幽雅武器袅袅一路下跌到其中心。

    M81 is a " grand design " spiral galaxy , which means its elegant arms curl all the way down into its center .

  10. 碰撞也会改变星系的外形,特别是当两螺旋星系融合后可能会产生单一的椭圆星系。

    Collisions also can transform the shape of galaxies involved ; specifically , the merger of two spiral galaxies may produce a single elliptical galaxy .

  11. 大多数的人认为我们自身的银河系是个单纯的螺旋星系,但天文学家现在知道它其实是个棒旋星系。

    Most people think of our own galaxy , the Milky Way , as a pure spiral , but astronomers now know it is actually a barred spiral .

  12. 选择矮行星也有不足:这就是矮行星里的恒星不按照规则的圆形轨道运动,像螺旋星系里的恒星都沿着同一方向运动那样。

    The disadvantage : the stars in dwarf galaxies don 't move in tidy circular orbits , traveling in the same direction the way stars in spiral galaxies do .

  13. 它之所以属于螺旋星系范畴,是因为相对于那些更趋近于球体(或椭球)的星系来说,它的主要部分更平。

    It remains in the spiral category because of the flatness of the main disk of stars as opposed to the more spherically rotund ( or ellipsoidal ) class of galaxies called " ellipticals " .

  14. 有螺旋形构造的星系;包括年纪较小的恒星在中心从年纪较大的中螺旋出去的臂状物。

    A galaxy having a spiral structure ; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center .

  15. 而就如同银河星系一样,原本螺旋状的水母星系从它的气体和尘埃中创造新的恒星。

    A jellyfish galaxy was once a spiral like the Milky Way , spawning new stars from its gas and dust .