
luó xuán jiǎnɡ fēi jī
  • propelled aircraft
  1. 马航失事的两架客机都是波音(Boeing)777喷气式飞机,相比之下,涡轮螺旋桨飞机更有可能发生坠机事故。

    And while both Malaysian aircraft were Boeing 777 jets , turboprop planes are more likely to crash .

  2. 防空雷达螺旋桨飞机回波JEM特征的模型与分析

    Jet Engine Modulation signatures of propeller aircraft in Air-Defense Radar signals

  3. 2007年9月冒险家史蒂夫•福赛特(SteveFossett)在加利福尼亚州约塞米蒂国家公园(YosemiteNationalPark)附近驾驶一架单引擎螺旋桨飞机失踪,一年多以后人们才找到了飞机残骸。

    Millionaire adventurer Steve Fossett disappeared in September 2007 while flying a single-engine propeller plane near Yosemite National Park in California . It took more than a year to find the wreckage .

  4. 去年6月,中航工业旗下的一家公司收购了总部位于美国明尼苏达州的私人飞机制造商西锐飞机工业公司(CirrusIndustriesInc.),由此获得了一个轻型螺旋桨飞机生产线以及一种正在研发中的小型喷气机。

    Last June , an AVIC unit acquired Minnesota-based private-aircraft maker Cirrus Industries Inc. , giving the Chinese company access to a line of light propeller aircraft and a small jet under development .

  5. 这其中既包括只有一个座位的螺旋桨飞机,也有2009年在加利福尼亚海岸附近坠毁的美国海岸警卫队(U.S.CoastGuard)C-130运输机。

    The aircraft range from tiny one-seat propeller planes to jetliners and a U.S. Coast Guard Lockheed C-130 Hercules -- a four-engine turboprop transport -- that crashed off the California coast in 2009 .

  6. 今年2月份,尼泊尔航空公司(NepalAirlines)一架加拿大产的海獭式双涡轮螺旋桨飞机坠毁,机上18人全部遇难,这是2008年以来该国第七起造成人员丧生的商用客机坠毁事故,这七起事故共造成125人遇难。

    In February , a Nepal Airlines Canadian-made Twin Otter turboprop crashed , killing all 18 onboard , in Nepal 's seventh fatal commercial aircraft crash since 2008 , killing a total of 125 people .

  7. 那些手头吃紧的军队则常常购买高端涡轮螺旋桨飞机来执行ISR及其他飞行任务,而许多国家都会避免拥有一支纯粹由昂贵的喷气战机组成的机队。

    Less affluent militaries often buy high-end turboprop aircraft to conduct ISR and other flights , and many eschew owning a fleet of expensive jet fighters altogether .

  8. 一名驾车者拍摄并上传至Twitter的惊险画面显示,这架飞机在高速公路上方侧飞。当时这架ATR72-600型螺旋桨飞机刚刚起飞,在显然晴朗的天气下执飞前往金门的国内航班。

    Dramatic pictures taken by a motorist and posted on Twitter showed the plane cartwheeling over the motorway soon after the turboprop ATR 72-600 aircraft took off in apparently clear weather on a domestic flight for the island of Kinmen .

  9. 螺旋桨飞机舱内噪声的定量分析和预估

    Analysis and Prediction of Interior Noise for Propeller - Driven Aircraft

  10. 低分辨雷达螺旋桨飞机回波调制特性的研究

    Studies of modualation characteristics of propeller aircraft returns in the LRR

  11. 军用涡轮螺旋桨飞机内部装饰降噪设计与试验研究

    Cabin Noise Reduction Design and Experimental Research for Military Turboprop Aircraft

  12. 进动效应对涡轮螺旋桨飞机的影响

    The Effect That the Precession Effect Has on Turboprop Aircraft

  13. 这架单引擎涡轮螺旋桨飞机在蒙大拿州比尤特市机场附近的一处公墓坠毁。

    A single engine plane went down Sunday in Butte , Montana .

  14. 调速器是可变距螺旋桨飞机的核心部件之一。

    Governor is one of core components in a variable pitch propeller aircraft .

  15. 小型螺旋桨飞机动力装置特性试验研究

    Experimental Research on Performances of Aircraft Powerplant Composed of Piston Engine and Propeller

  16. 螺旋桨飞机超低空流场数值模拟方法研究

    Research on numerical simulation method of propeller-driven aircraft flow fields at low altitude

  17. 一架螺旋桨飞机整整飞了13个小时。

    It took 13 hours on a propeller plane .

  18. 螺旋桨飞机近地飞行时的纵向稳定性

    Longitudinal Stability of Jet-Propeller Aircraft During Low-Altitude Flight

  19. 包括喷气式飞机、螺旋桨飞机和直升机。

    Including jets , prop planes and helicopters .

  20. 喷气式飞机取代了螺旋桨飞机。

    Jet planes have displaced propeller ones .

  21. 他们是说螺旋桨飞机吗?

    Do they mean prop pianes ?

  22. 同时,专门讨论了螺旋桨飞机的一些特性。

    In addition , the characteristics of radar echoes from propeller - driven aircrafts are discussed .

  23. 小型螺旋桨飞机的动力装置一般由活塞式发动机和螺旋桨两个主要部分组成。

    The powerplant of propeller aircraft is composed of two main parts , piston engine and propeller .

  24. 研究了螺旋桨飞机等高度飞行时航程、航时的计算方法。

    The methods were studied for predicting range and endurance of a propeller plane at constant altitude .

  25. 与喷气式飞机和螺旋桨飞机相比,直升机的雷达回波具有不同的特点。

    Compared with jet planes and propeller-driven aircrafts , the radar echoes of helicopters have different characteristics .

  26. 我们乘喷气式飞机到了大岛,然后乘螺旋桨飞机到了外岛。

    We took a jet to the big island , then a propelller plane to the outer island .

  27. 在七月流火的日子里,出了多少汗已经记不得了,飞没有空调的单发螺旋桨飞机不是件容易的事情哦!

    It 's not a comfortable job to fly single prop airplane on such hot days in july .

  28. 近年来,小型螺旋桨飞机制造商在压低自身产品价格方面的压力越来越大。

    Manufacturers of small , propeller-driven airplanes have faced increasing pressure in recent years to make their products more affordable .

  29. 本文简要介绍了在螺旋桨飞机座舱降噪设计中采用的蜂窝刚度处理技木。

    An acoustic treatment technology of honeycomb sandwich stiffened structure to reduce cabin noise for propeller airplanes is presented briefly .

  30. 论文来源于[国防基础预研军民两用项目&超高功率密度电驱动系统中的螺旋桨飞机模型风洞试验驱动电机研制]。

    The research on high power-density electrical machine comes form a real project with the need of wind tunnel propeller model .