
lòu guāng
  • light leak
漏光 [lòu guāng]
  • [light leak] 由于封闭不紧而使光线透入

漏光[lòu guāng]
  1. 这个照相机漏光。

    The camera has a light leak .

  2. 我用唇膏型相机时从没漏光过。

    When I 've never had a light leak in a tchapstick camera .

  3. Nd∶YAG激光器电光调Q偏振片漏光现象的实验研究

    Study on leaked laser from the polarizer in E-O Q-switched laser system

  4. 漏光度检测采用面阵CCD拍摄单幅图像,然后整圆周数据拼接的方法。

    Designed the detection system and algorithm of light seal degree . The solution is using area array to acquire single image , then matching the whole circle leakage information .

  5. 我们测量了介于理想正交偏光片组之间的VA和IPS液晶盒在不同温度下的固有漏光。

    We have measured intrinsic light leakage of VA and IPS LC cells between " ideal " crossed polarizers as a function of temperature .

  6. 采用漏光波导结构的单元器件,实现了二维2×2,2×4两种列阵,其脉冲输出峰值功率分别达到7W和11W。

    Two kinds of 2D arrays of 2 × 2 , 2 × 4 consisted of single devices with leaky waveguide structure with their pulsed peak power output of 7 W and 11 W , respectively , have been completed .

  7. 密度过低则导致生育前期漏光损失较多。

    Low density population caused loss of light during earlier stage .

  8. 设计完成漏光度检测及数据处理系统。

    Designing the light-gap tightness degree measuring and data processing system .

  9. 光纤漏光传感器及其在光纤识别仪中的应用

    The Application of the Fiber Leak-optic Sensor in Optical Fiber Identifier

  10. 由于这个小小的漏洞,整整一油箱的汽油都漏光了。

    A whole tankful of gas dropped away because of the tiny leak .

  11. 漏光环形透镜的光学传递函数

    Optical Transfer Function of a Leaky Annular Lens

  12. 对活塞环在自由状态下的漏光检测进行了初步研究。

    Third , researching the light leak detection of piston ring under the free state .

  13. 漏光波导机制四元系半导体激光器

    Quaternary Semiconductor Lasers with Leaky Waveguide Mechanism

  14. 这只桶漏了,水快漏光了。

    This bucket has leaks in it ; the water is going to run out .

  15. 灯罩框上有可漏光区域组成的图案。

    The lamp hood frame is provided with a pattern formed in the light transmission section .

  16. 漏光度与闭口间隙是活塞环的两个重要的密闭性参数。

    Light seal degree and end gap are the two important tightness parameters of piston rings .

  17. 半导体四层漏光波导的分析Ⅱ:强耦合近似与精确解

    Analysis of Four-Layer Leaky Optical Waveguide in Semiconductors ⅱ: The Strong Coupling Approximation and the Accurate Solution

  18. 这相机漏光。

    This camera leaks light .

  19. 液晶校正器漏光对闭环校正波前探测准确度的影响标准多布森分光光度计

    Effect of Parasitic light of Liquid Crystal Wavefront Correctors on the Accuracy of Wavefront Sensing in the Closed Loop Process

  20. 同时,由于液晶的漏光现象使得传统液晶电视的对比度一直无法提高。

    Meanwhile , the contrast of the traditional LCD TV cannot be improved due to the light leakage characteristic of LC .

  21. 我要装上不漏水的窗。这只桶漏了,水快漏光了。

    I 'll have watertight windows fixed . This bucket has leaks in it ; the water is going to run out .

  22. 从活塞环外圆长度和曲率规律两个角度出发,探索了检测活塞环漏光的的可行性。

    Starting from outer length and curvature law of piston ring , and researching the feasibility of detecting light leakage of piston ring .

  23. 还有一次,我偶然和某位服务员提到,我卧室里的威尼斯窗帘少稍些漏光。

    On another occasion , I noted casually to one staff member that there was some light-spill around the Venetian blinds in my bedroom .

  24. 通过对光卡漏光机理、光卡器件的制作、读出系统的研制等几方面的分析,阐述了波导多层光卡的存储机理和关键技术。

    This paper studies the mechanisms and technologies of optical waveguide multilayer card ( OWMC ), which is based on the principles of waveguide multilayer storage .

  25. 另外,在测色仪中探测器的探测口上安装弹力圈,可防止漏光。

    Additionally , an elastic ring is mounted on the detection port of the detector in the color measuring spectrometer so as to prevent light leak .

  26. 为了更好地优化制作此类器件,本文对侧边抛磨区泄漏光功率空间分布进行了理论与实验分析。

    In order to optimize those devices base on SPF , the spatial distribution of the optical power leaked from the SPF were analyzed theoretically and experimentally .

  27. 目的:通过改进色差计探头解决测量前牙冠表面颜色时边缘漏光问题。

    AIM : To solve the problem of light leakages in inspecting the color on the surface of anterior dental corona by modifying the probe of chroma meter .

  28. 密闭取心井岩心油、水饱和度校正方法液晶校正器漏光对闭环校正波前探测准确度的影响

    A CORRECTION OF OIL-AND WATER-SATURATION OBTAINED FROM SEALED CORE ANALYSIS Effect of Parasitic light of Liquid Crystal Wavefront Correctors on the Accuracy of Wavefront Sensing in the Closed Loop Process

  29. 方差阴影图技术,卷积阴影图技术,指数阴影图技术都支持预滤波处理,速度较快,但由于算法不成熟,存在漏光等缺陷。

    Variance Shadow Maps , Convolution Shadow Maps and Exponential Shadow Maps , all support per-filtering process which makes they fast , but exist light-linking problem for immaturity of the algorithms .

  30. 建立了逐次微扰逼近法计算四层漏光波导的传播常数,使计算范围推到强耦合四层波导。

    The method of successive perturbation approach for calculating the propagationconstants af four-layer leaky optical waveguide in semiconductors is proposed . It ex-tends the calculation range to strong coupling four-layer waveguide .