
  1. 测试包的编写从两个方面进行:BER编码方面的漏洞测试和APP应用方面的漏洞测试。

    The testing packages include two sides : leak testing of BER coding and leak testing of APP coding .

  2. 要进行漏洞测试的机密密钥。

    The secret key to test for weakness .

  3. 在安全领域,有一些工具被用于执行所谓的漏洞测试,每个工具提供不同的特性,各具优势。

    In the security field , several tools are designed to do what 's known as vulnerability testing , each offering different features and benefits .

  4. 目前在构件安全漏洞的测试方法和技术方面研究还不够深入。

    Currently , component security testing is rarely researched as a special subject , and there are not some feasible approaches or technologies in detecting component security vulnerabilities .

  5. Bugzilla是一个基于网络的通用漏洞追踪器以及测试工具,它是Mozilla项目所开发和使用的。

    Bugzilla is a web-based general purpose bug tracker and testing tool that was originally developed and used by the Mozilla project .

  6. SAINT漏洞扫描器只提供集成漏洞评估和渗透测试工具。

    The SAINT vulnerability scanner offers the only integrated vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tools available .

  7. 因此,对软件漏洞的深入研究,对软件漏洞的充分测试机制的探索,必然更有利于我们从根本上解决计算机安全问题。

    Therefore , the in-depth research of software vulnerabilities and its test mechanism can help us solute computer security issues fundamentally .

  8. 首先通过信息探测获取双栈网络相关信息,然后对获得的信息进行处理并与系统双栈网络安全漏洞库进行匹配,对匹配的漏洞调用可用渗透测试插件进行相应的测试验证。

    First , snoop dual-stack network information through the detection of information . Then system will process information and match with dual-stack network security vulnerability database .

  9. 通过对代码漏洞的深入分析和扩展定义,提出了一套针对代码注入漏洞的测试方法,经过实验证明,该方法能够减少测试用例的数量。

    Put forward a testing method of code injection vulnerabilities through the deep analysis of vulnerability and expansion of the definition . The result of experiment shows that the testing methodology can test all the code injection vulnerabilities of Web application effectively with less testing workload .

  10. 漏洞探测工具的目的是探测特定主机或网络中存在的安全漏洞,以测试系统的防御能力,给出可能的修补方法。

    The targets of vulnerability finding tool is to find security vulnerabilities in hosts or networks , test their defense ability and give some possible remedy methods .

  11. 该系统采用了黑盒测试理论及模糊测试技术,在执行漏洞扫描时,目标网站的源码对用户是透明的,这样在实现完备的Web漏洞测试功能的同时也保证了Web网站的隐私保护需求。

    We employ black-box testing idea and fuzzy testing technology to scan the loopholes , besides ; the source code of target web site is absolute users-invisible to ensure the Web site privacy requirement at the same time .