
  • 网络cloze;New Cloze;DroppedLetters;Close Test
  1. 增字符号:校对遇所用的符号,用来指出漏字所在和所需的增字。

    Caret : Proofreaders'insertion mark , indicating where the omission occurred and the insertion required .

  2. 这样可以排除打印错误,漏字或者其他你没有发现的错误。

    Doing so will likely oust any typos , missing words , or other errors you may not have spotted .

  3. 为了保证这部著作的质量,编者对文章中的脱字、漏字以及衍文进行了必要的校正。

    The complier of it has revised the missing words , carets , and derivatives in order to maintain its quality .

  4. 将复杂的过程归纳为六种概率事件,将系统的差错率分为误字、漏字和加字率,使其和正确传输概率严格区分开来;

    The error probability of the system is derided into an error word rate , a leakage word rate and an added word rate which are strictly differentiated from the proper transmission probability .

  5. 他的演说我没有听漏一个字。

    I did not lose a word of his speech .

  6. 他坐在前排,口半张着,头往前倾,唯恐听漏一个字。

    Sat in the front row , his mouth half open , his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word .