
lòu qū
  • drain region
漏区[lòu qū]
  1. 为正确地模拟4H-SiC埋沟MOSFET的击穿特性,合理地设置了器件的深度和漏区的宽度。

    To better analyze breakdown characteristics of 4H-SiC BC MOSFET , the depth of the device and the width of drain region should be increased in terms of the requirement of MEDICI .

  2. 采用这种方法可以准确地确定界面陷阱在沟道区与漏区的产生,从而有利于更深入地研究LDD结构器件的退化机制。

    The generation of interface traps density in the channel region and in the drain region can be clearly distinguished by using this technique .

  3. 应力增强方法中最重要的就是在P型半导体的源/漏区用选择性外延生长的锗化硅代替传统的硅。

    The important way for stress enhancement is use selective epitaxy silicon germanium replace silicon in PMOS source / drain area .

  4. 在进一步的研究中,设计了一种新型的栅控轻掺杂漏区(GMLDD)结构,有效地解决了在较高源漏电压下的栅诱导漏电问题。

    A new structure of gate_modulated lightly doped drain of TFT was proposed . It is very effective to lower gate_induced drain_leakage current of the TFTs when a higher source drain voltage is applied to it .

  5. 详细分析了轻掺杂漏区的浓度和深度与沟道电场和亚阈斜率等器件特性间的关系,并以衬底电流为标准反映了LDD结构对HCE的抑制作用。

    Analyzes the relationships between LDD doping concentration , depth and device characteristics in detail . The device characteristics include channel field , subthreshold slop , etc. Reflects restraint of LDD structure to HCE , while keeping the substrate current as criterion .

  6. 通过优化栅极与源漏区的交叠长度可以降低栅极电容,从而提高器件的动态特性,提高电路的工作速度。

    A negative gate - overlap can optimize the dynamic gate capacitance characteristics and improve the circuit speed .

  7. 布置在该有源图案上的位线,沿一方向将该漏区彼此连接;

    On the active patterns , bit lines are arranged to connect the drain regions along a direction .

  8. 电路采用外延衬底材料,两次注入源/漏区,以提高击穿电压。

    It employs epitaxial substrate material and adopts two implantations into source and drain region to improve breakdown voltage .

  9. 而栅氧化层损伤不仅在漏区一侧产生,而且也会在源区一侧产生。

    Stress induced oxide damage located not only in the region near the drain , but also in the region near the source .

  10. 因为锗的原子半径比硅要大,当锗掺入硅中后,源漏区会产生张应力,对沟道而言,则会受到压应力的影响。

    Because germanium atom radius is larger than silicon , when germanium diffuses into silicon , PMOS source / drain area will have tensile stress . For channel , it has to suffer compress stress .

  11. 浅谈路基漏压区的形成、危害及消除

    The Shape , Hazard and Elimination of Subgrade Seepage Zone

  12. 路基漏压区的危害及预防

    Harm and Prevention of Uncompacted Areas in Highway Subgrade

  13. 减小剪切器漏割区的途径

    Approach to Reduce Blank Area of Sower

  14. 然后当叉指换能器耦合不同频率的微波信号时,测量流过源漏两区的声电电流,测得叉指换能器的一个共振工作频率。

    We determined the resonance frequency of inter-digital transducer ( DDT ) by measuring the source-drain current when different frequency microwave signals were coupled to IDT .

  15. 曲柄转速为539r/min时,切割图中一次切割区的面积相对较大,重割区及漏割区的面积和相对较小,其比值达到12.33。

    Under the crank rev is 539r / min , one time cutting area is bigger than the sum of repeated area and fail to cut area comparatively .

  16. 切割器曲柄转速为449r/min时,随机器前进速度的增加,一次切割区与漏割区面积不断增加,重割区面积不断减少。

    Under the crank rev is 449r / min , when the machine speeds up , one time cutting area and fail to cut area will also add continually , while repeated area will reduce continually .

  17. 论文给出了基于信号传播预测的邻区关系列表自配置算法,以及针对由于小区覆盖动态变化而引起的邻区漏配,邻区冗余的自优化算法。

    The paper proposes a self-configuration algorithm of NCL based on signal propagation prediction , and a self-optimization algorithm for adding and removing neighbor cell caused by dynamic cell coverage is also provided .

  18. 在1070皮带头峒室的过漏顶施工中,采取了先对漏顶区进行注浆固化,再进行导峒掘进的施工方案,取得了良好效果。

    In the construction passing the leaked roof of 1070 belt head chamber , the construction scheme of making the injecting solidification in the roof leaking zone at first and then making the tunneling construction of the guide chamber is adopted , which obtains the good results .

  19. 由模拟可知,薄膜晶体管的自加热效应使其阈值电压降低、漏电流增大、亚阈值斜率变大、漏电流在饱和区出现继续增大的现象。

    According to the simulation , with the self-heating effect , the threshold voltage was reduced , the leakage current was increased , the sub-threshold voltage slope was added , and the drain current continues to increase in the saturation region .