
  • 网络Vleak;Air leakage
  1. 影响PASSIM卷接机组烟支漏气量检测准确度的因素

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Measurement Veracity of Cigarette Air Leakage in PASSIM Cigarette Making and Tipping Machine Combination

  2. 保温车传热系数和漏气量的测定

    Measurement of heat transfer coefficient and air leakage of railway thermal wagons

  3. 密封累计运转550小时,最高线速度达43米/秒,最大漏气量Q(max)≤0.05公斤/小时。

    The maximum rate of leakage Qmax ≤ 0.05Kg/hr during highest peripheral velocity of ring is up to 43m / sec . A total operation of 550 hours has been carried out .

  4. 预测压气法隧道施工中的漏气量的模型研究

    Prediction of air losses in compressed air tunneling using numerical models

  5. 陶瓷发动机无环活塞和缸套间漏气量的理论和试验研究

    Gas Leakage between Ringless Piston and Liner of Ceramic Engine

  6. 曲轴箱漏气量的测试及其应用

    Investigation on the Amount of Crankcase Blow-by and Its Application

  7. 改进活塞环设计降低漏气量

    Design of Improvement Piston Ring for Reducing Blowby

  8. 分析研究了温度、入口惯性效应等因素对漏气量的影响。

    The influencing factors , such as temperature and entry domino effect , were analyzed .

  9. 内燃机的漏气量及其测量

    Internal Combustion Engine Blowby and Its Measurement

  10. 预测气垫式调压室运行中漏气量的数学模型

    Numerical model for predicting the air losses in the operation process of air-cushioned surge chamber

  11. 降低机油耗和减少漏气量是控制柴油机的微粒排放物生成的有效手段,特别由于最近排放法规的强化,更加严格要求控制润滑油的消耗量和活塞的漏气量。

    Reducing oil consumption and minimizing air leak is an effective means of controlling fine particle emission .

  12. 目前活塞式发动机环的漏气量一般为吸气量的0.2%~1%。

    Presently air leak in piston engine normally amounts to 0.2 % - 1 % of air entry .

  13. 假如查到高漏气量的话,直接连接压缩空气到测试仪器上。

    If high leakage found , by pass the gauge and connect the air to the test rig .

  14. 因此,悬挂式降液管液自封标准既应限制漏气量,还应限制气液堵塞。

    Hence , not only bubbling but also bridging shall be restricted for the seal criterion of hanging downcomer .

  15. 而利用巧妙环组作气环,是可以降低机油消耗量和活塞漏气量的。

    However , ingeniously making use of ring group as air ring will reduce oil consumption as well as air leak of piston .

  16. 实验研究了蜂窝密封的泄漏特性,发现蜂窝深度对漏气量的影响并不呈线性的规律。

    It was revealed that the effect of depth of a honeycomb seal cell on the leakage flow did not exhibit a linear relationship .

  17. 可以对测试结果进行对比从而得出漏气量最大的气缸,也可以用于发现漏气处。

    Comparison then could be taken to find the highest leakage between cylinders and it could be used to find out the source of leak as well .

  18. 现在广泛采用的非接触式迷宫汽封有需要空间大,漏气量较大的缺点。

    Now the Labyrin gland which is widely used in turbin has some obvious disadvantages , it needs big space to install and the blow-by is huge .

  19. 基于气固两相流理论,分析了沙尘颗粒对于活塞环组气流及漏气量的影响。

    Based on the theory of gas-solid two-phase fluid , the influence of sand & dust on gas flow and blow-by of the piston ring pack was analyzed .

  20. 用各试压工况的当量漏气量这一可比参数,对国内、外几种煤气管道的试压标准做了分析。

    With the comparable parameter , the equivalent leakage , the standard of pressure test of some gas lines at home and abroad has been analysised in this paper .

  21. 完成了不锈钢螺纹管凝汽器的工程热力计算、变工况核算、冷却水流动阻力、蒸汽流动阻力和漏气量计算。

    The engineering thermal calculation , the calculations of different operating conditions , of the resistance of water flow and vapor flow , and of the air leak amount were made .

  22. 同时阐述了在实际运行中凝汽系统漏气量的测量和检漏方法,推荐出应用卤素检漏仪进行检测的先透检漏方法。

    The measurement of air leakage quantity and the method of leakage detection during operation are stated and the Halogen detection meters adopted as a method of detection are recommended as well .

  23. 经三维有限元分析和试验验证,整体钢活塞与传统铝活塞相比,不仅具有更高的可靠性,同时对降低发动机机油耗、减少漏气量等方面均具有明显效果。

    By using three-dimension finite element analysis and experiment verifying , the monoblock steel piston is not only more reliable but also more effective in reducing engine oil consumption and blow-by than ordinarily aluminum piston .

  24. 试验表明,摩擦焊接锻钢活塞较铝合金活塞有效的降低了发动机的漏气量、机油耗,提高了发动机的可靠性,可成功的应用于中重型柴油发动机。

    According to the engine performance test and reliability test , it can be concluded that the configuration of the friction welding formed steel piston is available for the medium and heavy duty diesel engines . The blow-by and the LOC are decreased compared with the Al-Si pistons .

  25. 本文论述了曲轴箱漏气量测试对于了解内燃机工作状况的重要性及其应用价值,说明了曲轴箱漏气量的测试原理和方法,并对实际测试数据进行了分析。

    In this paper , the importance and applied value of the investigation on the amount of crankcase blow-by in evaluating the working condition of combustion engine are discussed , then the principle and procedure of the investigation explained . Furthermore , the actual test data are also analyzed .

  26. 分析结果表明,采用陶瓷-金属梯度功能材料可显著改善发动机的耐磨性、润滑性和密封性,从而明显降低发动机的摩擦损失、漏气损失和漏气量。

    Further analysis showed that the improvement comes from the reduction of friction loss and leakage loss .