
  1. 漏水转浑天仪是有明确历史记载的世界上第一架用水力驱动的天文仪器。浑天仪应用到的齿轮机构和凸轮机构十分复杂。

    The world 's first water-driven astronomic instrument with explicit historical re-cords , the new armillary sphere employed an extremely complex gear system .

  2. 汉中期,杰出的天文学家张衡对浑仪作了大胆创新,设计并制作了漏水转浑天仪。张衡还制造出了世界上第一架测量天体位置的水运浑天仪,凡是已知的重要天文现象,都刻在这架仪器上。

    In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty , Zhang Heng , an outstanding astronomer , made bold innovations to the armillary sphere , and de-signed and made the first water-driven armillary sphere in the world to measure the position of celestial bodies , which was carved with known important astronomical phenomena .