
tǎ zhōng
  • tower clock;turret clock
塔钟 [tǎ zhōng]
  • (1) [turret clock]∶塔上或楼阁上的钟,在钟的机心上具有一个或几个字面钟盘

  • (2) [tower clock]∶在塔上的钟

塔钟[tǎ zhōng]
  1. 塔钟GPS自动校时系统的研制

    Development of GPS Automatic Correcting Time System for Tower Clock

  2. GPS在建筑塔钟中的应用

    The GPS Apply in the Architecture Tower Clock

  3. 应用中文版VB6.0开发微机塔钟监控与通讯系统

    Application of Visual Basic 6.0 to Develop a Microcomputer Tower Clock Monitoring and Communication System

  4. 北京西客站塔钟系统的构成及可靠性措施

    Tower clock system 's structure and reliability measure for West Railway Station of Beijing

  5. 建筑塔钟系统研制

    The development of building tower clock system

  6. 塔钟的单片机控制系统

    8031 controlling system of big clock

  7. 提出了用PC机的串行通讯接口实现与微机塔钟数据通讯的方法,达到对微机塔钟的远程监控。

    The communication method of the microcomputer tower clock by the PC computer series port is given in this paper .

  8. 重量驱动塔钟运动,许多觉得是一个挑战,以建立一个时钟驱动器的手接触到的天气。

    WEIGHT DRIVEN TOWER CLOCK MOVEMENT & Many find it a challenge to build a clock that drives hands exposed to the weather .

  9. 本文详细地介绍了用8031单片微机控制塔钟的工作原理和设计思路,给出了软件设计方法和硬件电路。

    This article introduce the work principle and design mothed of microcomputer 8031 controlling big clock . And give out design method of soft and circuit of hardware .

  10. 利用时基电路555的特性,设计保护电路,在塔钟自动控制系统失良的情况下,对脉冲电机实施保护。

    Taking advantage of the properties of N. E 555 , this article presents a design of protection of circuit , which performs a function of protection to the impulse motor in a tower clock in case the automatic control system of it is out of order .