
  • 网络Tower body;harmika
  1. 250m特高型塔式起重机塔身整体稳定性分析

    Stability analysis for integrated tower body of 250m extra high tower crane

  2. 一起330kV线路中相导线对塔身放电故障分析

    Analysis on Discharge towards Tower Body by Middle Phase Conductor of 330 kV Transmission Lines

  3. 迄今为止,国内采用钢材加固古塔塔身的数量较多。

    So far , many masonry pagodas were reinforced by steel .

  4. 控制塔身持液量操作法可提高产品收率。

    The controlled liquid hold - up operation increases the yield .

  5. 以TQ60/80塔机的塔身为主体改装成GJ70高架龙门吊的技术处理

    The Refitting of TQ60 / 80 Cranes into Overhead Portal Crane

  6. 计算中需考虑支架与塔身的共同作用。

    Common effect between bridgehead and supporting structure is considered .

  7. 塔机塔身有限元建模方法及其可靠性验证

    FEM Methods of Tower Crane Body and its Reliability Testing

  8. 格构式塔身侧向位移的高效算法

    Effective Calculation Method of Lateral Displacement for Trellis Tower Mast

  9. 塔式起重机塔身结构的模态分析与响应计算

    The model analysis and response calculation of tower-body structure of tower crane

  10. 自升塔式起重机塔身非线性变形的简便解法

    Simple solution of nonlinear deformation in tower body of self-elevating tower crane

  11. 附着杆刚性对塔身稳定性的影响

    Effect of attached bar rigidity on the stability of tower crane body

  12. 但试验并未在塔身上进行。

    The trial was not conducted on the tower itself .

  13. 塔式起重机塔身稳定临界载荷的讨论

    A discussion on the critical load of tower stability in tower crane

  14. 塔式起重机塔身的几何非线性研究

    Non-linear study of tower body geometry in tower crane

  15. 附着式塔式起重机塔身结构有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Structure of Attached Tower Crane

  16. 因此,倾斜的塔身从来就没直过。

    Therefore , the leaning tower was never straight .

  17. 比萨斜塔塔身倾斜。

    The tower of Pisa leans at an angle .

  18. 自升塔式起重机塔身临界屈曲荷载的近似计算公式

    Approximate formula of critical buckling load for mast section of self-climbing tower crane

  19. 塔身扭面分水尖模板的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Moulds of Pinch Plane Watercut of Bridge Tower Shaft

  20. 桁架结构剪切变形对自升式塔机塔身非线性变形影响

    The effect of shear displacement in lat-tice structure of self-lifting tower crane body

  21. 送电线路进线档中相导线对塔身电气距离的计算探讨

    On the Calculation of the Distance between Phase Wire and Tower Electric Equipment

  22. 用δ函数计算塔式起重机变截面塔身的水平位移

    Calculating of Horizontal Displacement of Tower Crane with Vary Sections Using δ Function

  23. 四条腿内侧则呈弧线,逐渐交汇,形成锥形塔身。

    The legs curve inward until they unite in a single tapered tower .

  24. 塔式起重机塔身结构设计方法的比较

    Comparison of constructional design methods of tower crane mast

  25. 整个铁塔塔身重7300吨。

    The iron structure of the tower weighs a total of 7300 tons .

  26. 应用有限差分法计算塔式起重机变截面塔身顶部的水平位移

    Calculation of tower crane top displacement in variable-sectioned tower body with finite difference method

  27. 塔身建造在巨大的水下纲筋混凝土平台上。

    The towers are built on immense underwater platforms made of steel and concrete .

  28. 航向台天线杆强度分析塔式起重机塔身稳定性计算

    Strength anslysis for body - mast Calculation of stability of mast of tower crane

  29. 高层塔式起重机塔身稳定性分析

    The Analysis of the Stability of Tower - Body in a High Tower Crane

  30. 弯曲振动对塔机塔身结构应力的影响

    The Effect of Flexural Vibration on the Stresses of Tower Crane 's Mast Structure