
  • 网络tatooine;T atooine
  1. 但是讯号来自塔图因星。

    But it 's coming from tatooine .

  2. 在康纳·奥布莱恩的节目中,会看到彼得潘和叮当小仙女掠过塔图因星球的剪影吗?

    Peter Pan and tink floating in silhouette in front of the planet Tatooine on Conan O'Brien ?

  3. 下午漫步在塔图因星球。

    In the afternoons , I would roam around the Tatooines .

  4. 所以下次你去看星球大战的时候,一些人从荻克巴星到塔图因,

    So the next time you see a Star Wars movie , and there are people going from the Dagobah system to Tatooine ,

  5. 卢克天行者的家乡塔图因的日落,不是一个太阳,而是两个太阳串联着落下地平线。

    It showed a sunset on Tatooine , Luke Skywalker 's home world & with not one , but two suns sinking in tandem toward the horizon .

  6. 导演乔治·卢卡斯在突尼斯沙漠为《星球大战》第一部中的塔图因星球搭建的布景几十年来一直是粉丝们的朝圣之地。

    The sets in the Tunisian desert that director George Lucas built for the planet of Tatooine in the first Star Wars film have been the site of fan pilgrimages for decades .

  7. 一位女士将自己的中间名起作“天行者”,她只能梦想着如同她的名字一样前往纳布行星或塔图因星球,但她现在甚至不能跨越英吉利海峡到法国——在内政部拒绝给她护照之后。

    A woman who gave herself the middle name " Skywalker " can only dream of traveling to the planets of Naboo or Tattoine like her namesake , but she can 't even go across the Channel to France - after the Home Office denied her a passport .