
  1. 由于传统的谐波电流实时检测方法大都是基于正弦的电压系统或对于电压波形达到精确锁相的前提,而现实情况却往往不是如此。

    Most of the traditional real-time detecting method for harmonic current is based on sinusoidal voltage or locking the voltage phase accurately , which deviating from the real circumstances .

  2. 非线性设备的大量使用使得电力系统中原本为标准正弦的波形发生了畸变,也即是谐波的产生。

    The large use of non-linear equipments make the wave , which ought to be standard sinusoidal in power system , distorted , that is the appearance of harmonic .

  3. DSP数字信号处理器的浮点数正弦的实现

    Research of Float Sine Based on DSP Digital Signal Processor

  4. 该方法可使矩阵变换器输入正弦的电流,输入侧功率因数角可正负调节。

    This method meets the demand of input sinusoidal current and adjusts input displacement between positive and negative .

  5. 选择适当的控制算法和电容电压,能在变换器的两侧合成低次谐波含量小且波形近似于正弦的可控输入/输出电压。

    Proper selection of control algorithms and capacitor voltages helps synthesize controllable and waveforms almost sinusoidal three-phases AC voltage with minimum low-order harmonics at both sides of the converter .

  6. 对于一个交流电动机负载(将在其他章节讨论),其端电压要求是正弦的,其幅值和频率要求是可调的。

    In an ac-motor load , as will be discussed in other paper , the voltage at its terminals is desired to be sinusoidal and adjustable in its magnitude and frequency .

  7. 变频器供电的电源电压和电流是非正弦的,存在着高次谐波。由此引起了附加铜损耗、附加铁损耗及谐波杂散损耗。

    For the motor supplied from converter , the waves of the supply voltage and current are non-sinusoidal and contain higher harmonics , thus cause additional copper loss , additional iron loss and harmonic stray loss .

  8. 基于ARM的数字正弦机的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Digital Sinusoidal Signal Generator Based on ARM

  9. 一种基于正弦图的工业CT系统转台旋转中心自动确定方法

    Method for Automatic Determination of Center of Rotation in Industrial Computed Tomography Systems Based on Sinogram

  10. 在此基础上用正弦函数的高次幂作为光栅的槽形函数编写了介质膜光栅衍射效率计算程序,数值计算结果表明了C方法在计算介质膜光栅衍射效率的可行性。

    The feasibility of calculating the diffraction efficiency of dielectric reflection grating with C method are proved with computation results .

  11. 一种基于正弦模型的干涉SAR射频干扰抑制算法

    An Approach Based on Sinusoidal Model for RFI Suppression in InSAR System

  12. 基于正弦图的冗余信息,提出了一种显微CT图像降噪算法。

    Based on the redundancy of sinogram data , one denoising algorithm to CT image is put forward .

  13. 恒频电流跟踪PWMAC/DC变流器基准正弦电路的设计

    Design of a reference sinusoidal circuit of the PWM AC / DC converter with fixed switching frequency

  14. 本文首先讨论并分析了各种插值DFT(离散傅里叶变换)算法,然后提出了一种实正弦信号的快速插值频率估计方法。

    Some interpolated Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) methods are analyzed .

  15. 一种具有消谐波正弦输出的AMR薄膜磁头设计

    AMR Magnetic Head Design with Eliminating Harmonics and Sinusoidal Wave Output

  16. 讨论正弦信号的Nyquist率采样问题。

    Discussion on sampling the sinusoidal signal with Nyquist rate is presented .

  17. 为说明Tt和G(t),我们还引入了正弦变换的推广形式&共轭Jacobi变换及其逆变换的概念。

    To reach this goal , we introduce the generalization of Fourier-sine transform , the conjugate Jacobi transform and the inverse transform .

  18. 双环路电流模式正弦振荡器的AOA实现

    Generation of Current Mode Sinusoidal Oscillator with Double Loops Based on AOA 's

  19. 利用Pspice仿真软件,对具有正弦磁场的无刷直流电动机系统的波动力矩进行了仿真研究。

    The digital simulation of ripple torque of sine-wave brushless DC ( BLDC ) motor system is studied by the Pspice software .

  20. 进行了二阶离散Chirp哈特利变换、二阶离散Chirp余弦变换、二阶离散Chirp正弦变换的计算机仿真。

    The computer simulations of two-order discrete Chirp Hartley transform , two-order discrete Chirp cosine transform , and two-order discrete Chirp sine transform were performed .

  21. 无噪声Hodgkin-Huxley神经元对正弦信号的响应

    The Responses of a Silent Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron to Sinusoidal Signal

  22. 该算法用二阶时变参数ARMA模型来表示Chirp信号,避免了Chirp信号产生中常规DDS技术的正弦函数的计算和相位截断效应。

    Time-varying parameters of the ARMA model in this paper processes chirp signal , it avoid computation of sinusoidal function in chirp signal generation and phase truncation .

  23. 本文详细论述了在MCS-51单片机中,计算正弦函数的原理、步骤、设计方法,并且给出了全部程序。

    : this article detailed discuss compute the sine function principles and stepwise and design method and give all program , of MCS-51 chip calculator .

  24. 利用ADALINE神经网络、归一化LMS算法、结合正弦函数的特点,设计FEL控制策略中的前馈神经网络。

    Feedforward neural networks of FEL control strategy was designed , using ADALINE neural networks , normalized LMS , plus characteristics of sinusoidal function .

  25. 本文根据自动控制理论,就船舶操纵运动的K,T响应方程,给出了船舶对阶跃和正弦操舵的响应。

    In accordance with the K and T response equation for a ship 's manoeuvring motion , a ship 's response to the step and sine operation of the rudder is given within the framework of the automatic control theory .

  26. 对于幅度参数的模型表示,引入了离散全极点模型来估计谐波正弦模型的幅度参数,理论分析和仿真实验都表明,该方法优于在低码率STC中广泛使用的线性预测幅度谱包络估计方法;

    For the magnitude model representation , a discrete all pole ( DAP ) model is introduced to estimate the magnitude parameters of the harmonic sinusoidal model .

  27. 通过分析扰动信号的对称特性,引入理想误差动态方程,给出了扰动信号为正弦时的二阶AR系统1/4周期重复控制器的具体设计方法,并将其推广至N阶AR系统。

    By analyzing the symmetry properties of the signal disturbance and introducting the ideal error dynamics equation , quarter-period repetitive controller for 2-order AR system is given in detail when the disturbance signal is sinusoidal , and extended to the N-order AR system .

  28. 在FMCW(调频连续波)微波液位测量系统中,回波差拍正弦信号的频率检测是实现距离测量的关键。

    In the FMCW ( frequency modulated continuous wave ) liquid level measuring system , the key to measure the distance is to detect the frequency of the sinusoidal echo beat signal .

  29. 建立了UPS正弦逆变器的数学模型,分析了UPS正弦逆变器的特点。针对UPS正弦逆变器的特点,比较电感电流反馈和电容电流反馈的特性,选择电容电流反馈使系统有更快速的响应。

    Setting up UPS sine Inverter mathematical mode , analyzing the character of it , comparing the peculiarity between inductor current feedback and capacitor current feedback according to the feature of it ; Choosing capacitor current feedback to make the system respond more quickly .

  30. 本文通过对Duffing系统的检测依据进行详细介绍后,分别对微弱正弦信号的幅值和频率检测进行详细讨论并仿真。

    The principle of Duffing system detecting the weak signal is described particularly in this paper , then the method about the amplitude and frequency of weak sinusoidal signals detection is discussed in detail in this paper .