
  1. 他正度着风烛残年。

    He was dragging out his remaining years in decrepit health .

  2. 产品主正度好,手感柔软,色泽鲜艳,品质精良。

    Product host good , feel soft , the luster is bright , quality excellent .

  3. 由此,提出如下预防措施(1)提高链轮加工精度(特别是链轮节距精度)和工作面硬度,以及链轮轴的安装平行度和对正度;

    Precautions against the impact are offered : ( 1 ) improving the machining accuracy and hardness of the working surface of the sprocket , installing the sprocket shaft properly ;

  4. 乘客简-艾伦的伯祖父在泰坦尼克号上遇难,当时他正度蜜月,简的伯祖母幸存了下来。简说,她不觉得这次纪念之旅令人毛骨悚然或者非常可怕。

    Passenger Jane Allen , whose great-uncle died on his honeymoon trip on the Titanic while her great-aunt survived , said she did not think it was ghoulish or macabre to go on the voyage .

  5. 乘客简-艾伦的伯祖父在泰坦尼克号上遇难,当时他正度蜜月,简的伯祖母幸存了下来。简说,她不觉得这次纪念之旅“令人毛骨悚然或者非常可怕”。

    Passenger Jane Allen , whose great-uncle died on his honeymoon trip on the Titanic while her great-aunt survived , said she did not think it was " ghoulish or macabre " to go on the voyage .

  6. 暴雨区低层有较大的正螺旋度和非地转Q矢量辐合,说明暴雨区有中尺度和大尺度上升运动相叠加。

    The strong positive helicity and the intensive convergence of Q vectors at the low level in the raining area indicate that there was superposition of mesoscale and synoptic-scale ascending motions .

  7. 永磁轴承安装在转子的顶部,提供一个正刚度小于1N/mm的悬浮力。

    Passive permanent magnetic bearing is put on the top of the rotor to give a stable levitation force in the axial direction .

  8. 结果表明:(1)LTC在陆上长久维持过程中,其低层正涡度衰减缓慢并保持一定强度。STC登陆后正涡度减弱较快。

    The results have shown that ( 1 ) LTC would keep its positive vorticity a stronger value in lower level and decay slowly while STC would decrease quickly after landfall .

  9. 利用MM5模式对2002年8月10~11日发生在闽东的一次暴雨过程进行了数值模拟和诊断分析.结果表明:暴雨中心位于低层正螺旋度中心附近。

    By using PSU / NCAR 's mesoscale NWP model ( MM5 ) , the rainstorm process occurred in the east of Fujian Province during 10-11 August 2002 was numerically simulated and diagnostically analyzed .

  10. 500hPa层持续的高空正涡度平流以及700hPa低层暖平流非常有利于低涡的维持;

    The maintain positive vorticity advection in the middle troposphere and the warm advection in the lower troposphere take advantage of the vortex development and maintain ;

  11. 结果表明,高原低涡东移到100°E附近时,其低涡东部的正涡度平流与负值非平衡强迫与850hPa四川盆地浅薄低涡发生垂直叠加时,两者之间发生耦合作用。

    The results show that , when the Plateau vortex moving eastward near 100 ° E , the positive vorticity advection and the negative unbalanced force in the east part of the Plateau vortex on 500 hPa imposed on 850 hPa southwest vortex occurred the vertical superposition .

  12. 大的正涡度区位于500hPa以上,600hPa以下为强辐合区,以上则为强辐散区,这种结构配置成为暴雨发生的有利的动力机制。

    The vertical distribution of physical characters in the rainstorm is higher positive vorticity at 500 hPa , stronger convergence and divergence over and below 600 hPa respectively , which provides dynamical mechanism for the rainstorm process .

  13. 强沙尘暴区位于高空急流出口区右侧、500hPa正涡度中心下风方和次级反环流的上升区内。

    The severe dust storm area was in the right side of upper air jet stream exit area , and in the downwind of 500 hPa positive vortex center and the ascending area of secondary counter circulation .

  14. 模拟结果表明,凝结潜热释放能使高层负涡度和低层正涡度强烈发展,形成地面至500hPa深厚的正涡度柱;

    The results indicate that the condensation latent heat releasing can cause negative vorticity in upper level and positive vorticity in lower to develop intensely and then form profoundly positive vorticity columniations from ground to 500 hPa in high ;

  15. 高原涡是高原正涡度中心的一种典型系统。

    Plateau vortices are the typical system of positive vorticity .

  16. 首先,地面台风环流的涡度和散度场不对称,地面正涡度中心位于台风的东侧和北侧。

    The centre of positive vorticity locates on the east and north of typhoon .

  17. 将支撑辊磨出一定的正凸度;

    The backup roll profile should be ground into convex to a certain range ;

  18. 暴雨的突然增强与对流中心南侧低层辐合中心的北移并与低层正涡度区合并有直接的对应关系。

    Rainstorm suddenly enhanced when the convergence center moved northward with the low-level positive vorticity .

  19. 低压是在东西两支急流间的强正涡度区中形成和发展的。

    The depression grew in the region with strong positive vorticity between the two jets .

  20. 整层积分的结果是次天气尺度系统向天气尺度系统提供正涡度。

    Full layer integrations suggest transfers of positive vorticity from subsynoptic scale systems to synoptic ones .

  21. 中尺度涡旋形成于低空急流左侧强正涡度中心附近。

    The mesoscale vortex formed near the strong vorticity center on the left side of the lower-troposphere jet .

  22. 自动温度控制失效,舱内温度降到10度(下降到正七度)。

    Automatic temperature control unserviceable , cabin temperature goes below 10 degrees ( falls below plus 7 degrees ) .

  23. 临界表面张力与血小板的黏附量和形态指数均有较大的正关联度;

    Both adhesion amounts and deformation index of platelet are positively correlated with critical surface tension to a higher degrees ;

  24. 特大暴雨出现在中低层辐合、高层辐散的正涡度中心下方和负涡度中心西侧;

    The maximum rainfall is just below the positive vorticity center and at the west of the negative vorticity center .

  25. 动力结构为低层正涡度,高层负涡度,低层辐合,高层辐散。

    The three dimensional structure was that in the low level the vorticity was positive while negative in the high level .

  26. 而1985年的扰动在乌拉尔地区形成正涡度距平,不利于阻高的建立。

    Whereas the disturbances in 1985 developed into a positive vorticity anomaly and is not favorable for the setup of blocking high .

  27. 月球表面温度范围从华氏正230度到华氏负290度,取决于太阳在什么地方。

    The surface itself ranges from heat of 230 f to cold of minus 290 f , depending upon where the sun is .

  28. 低值系统有正涡度中心支持,外围是负涡度区,其间有强涡度梯度带;

    The low pressure system is supported by positive center of vorticity , the minus vorticity area around it and strong gradient zone between both .

  29. 指出暴雨中心位于风速切变的下方,同时上空也伴随辐合中心,以及正涡度极大值。

    It is pointed out that the rainstorm center is under the wind shear , above which convergence center and the maximum positive vorticity exist .

  30. 诊断分析中发现暴雨落区和低层正涡度、水汽、压能、湿焓、位涡等有很好的对应关系。

    The precipitation area has a good relationships with low level positive vorticity , water vapor , pressure energy , moist enthalpy , potential vorticity etc.