
  1. 实验采用泰曼-格林光路系统,通过旋转反射镜的方法,使物光束散斑场发生偏转,再由CCD记录偏转前、后物光束和参考光束的干涉场。

    The experiment device uses Twyman-Green system . The speckle field of object light beam is deflected by inclining mirror and the speckle fields before and after mirror inclining are recorded by CCD .

  2. 同时,本文移植了WINDOWSCE操作系统,使物联网节点增加了图像显示等附加功能,更加完善。

    Meanwhile , nodes are transplanted a operating system , Windows CE . It provides some additional functions , such as image display , which makes more powerful . At last , to the special scene of mine , nodes in the network should have location function .

  3. 该技术的特点是用三个激光器作为光源,一个压电陶瓷相移器产生参考光并实现相移,CCD摄像机前放置大错位剪切镜以使物光和参考光产生干涉。

    This new technique includes three lasers as light source , a PZT phase shifter which can push reference plane to change optical path of reference light . A large shearing Wollaston prism is placed in front of CCD camera to make interference between object wave and reference wave .

  4. 视觉性是使物从不可见转为可见的运作的总体性。

    Visuality is a visual mechanism that makes the things from invisible to visible .

  5. 飞利浦·斯塔克在他的主要工作中正在引导着使物与人关系变得更融洽的一种方式。

    Now in the prime of his working life , Starck is leading the way in reconciling objects and the people .

  6. 根据全息图相位畸变矫正原理,提出一种使物光相位畸变加密的数字全息图像的算法。

    In the paper a novel way to encrypt digital holograms , which is based on phase-aberrated rectifying of holograms , is proposed .

  7. 方法在双高斯1:1制版镜头的对称面上形成物面的夫朗和费衍射,并使物面与茶形散斑屏重合,使得各物点均以狭缝状的光束通过透镜组在记录介质面成像。

    Methods On the symmetrical plane of the double-Gauss lens with 1:1 magnification , the Fraunhofer diffraction of the object surface could be formed .

  8. 本文给出几种论证玻尔兹曼分布、使物系微态数的对数取极大值的严谨方法。

    In this paper , some strict methods are given which show that the logarithm of microstate numbers of a system attains its maximum corresponding to Boltzmann distribution .

  9. 利用灰色关联分析,可以挑选出与水资源关系密切的物理因子,而利用前期的物理因子进行计算,可以使物元分析具有预测功能。

    Utilizing of grey interrelation analysis can pick out physical factors in close relationship with water resources and utilizing of previous physical factors can have matter element analysis possess forecast function .

  10. 它具有象征家族、日常生活延续与中断以及通过火使物与物相互联结或分离等文化蕴涵,显示了火的超自然的神圣性、巫术性。

    It symbolizes the continuation or interruption of clan and daily life , and the relations between objects whether their mutual join or separate and so on , it manifests the supernatural sacredness and witchery of fire .

  11. 随着互联网及传感设备的发展,使物联网的高速发展成为可能;所以作为传感设备和互联网连接的中间件&网关的需求和应用也越来越多。

    The development of internet and sensing devices makes the rapid development of internet of Things possible . So the requirement and application of gateway are more and more as the middleware of sensing equipment and internet connectivity .

  12. 控制储层物性的成岩作用主要包括压实、胶结和溶蚀作用,压实及胶结作用降低储层孔隙度,使物性变差,而溶蚀作用提高储层孔隙度,使物性得以改善。

    Control factors of reservoir diagenesis including compaction , cementation and dissolution , compaction and cementation reduce reservoir porosity , so that deteriorate to physical properties , while dissolution enhance porosity reservoir , so that improve the physical properties .

  13. 在艺术语言的产生过程中,有一种移情现象。移情就是把人的情感移置于物,使物也获得像人一样的生命与情趣。

    In the creation process of Artistic Language , there is a phenomenon named as " empathy " , which is a psychological phenomenon that we displace our feelings to object and make it have the same life and spice like human .

  14. 选择较高的加工温度及较低的剪切速率,可以使共混物PP在高组成比时成为分散相。

    Higher spinning temperatures and lower shearing rate caused PP to form disperse phase at higher composition ratio .

  15. 6时,固化物获得较高的Tg值,体系中引入酚醛型环氧树脂能够使固化物的Tg值提高。应用热失重和差热分析测试技术对环氧固化体系的热稳定性也进行了探讨。

    The thermal stability of epoxy cured system was also studied by TGA and DTA as well .

  16. PELD的加入使共混物结晶峰变宽,说明PELD与mPELLD共结晶行为较差,存在部分相分离,但在PELD含为20%时有最大结晶度,结晶速率有所提高;

    There are part liquid-liquid phase separation for the blends of m-PE-LLD with PE-LD , and have a most co-crystallization at 20 % PE-LD .

  17. CBF与PAC复配使用后,可使有机物的去除率提高,但会导致出水浊度升高。

    The organic matter removal efficiency increased , while the turbidity removal efficiency decreased when CBF was used in combination of PAC .

  18. GPE能明显改善共混体系的相容性,提高共混体系的冲击强度,仅用20%的GPE就能使共混物由脆性断裂变为韧性断裂。

    Only 20 % of GPE could make the blend from brittle fracture transmute to tough fracture .

  19. 铝热反应Fe2O3+2Al→2Fe+Al2O3产生的热量使生成物处于熔融状态,在离心力的作用下,Fe和Al2O3发生分离,从而形成陶瓷复合钢管。

    The aluminithermic reaction Fe_2O_3 + Al-Fe + Al_2O_3 can produce melting products of Fe and Al_2O_3 which can be separated under centrifugal force to form ceramic & steel composite pipe .

  20. 结果表明:在ABS-g-MA的橡胶含量为25%时,适量的Epoxyresin可使共混物的力学性能显著提高。

    It was proved that as the rubber content of ABS-g-MA was 25 % , appropriate dosage of epoxy resin could notably increase the mechanical properties of the blends .

  21. 同时PVDF-HFP起到骨架作用,使共混物膜具有足够的机械强度。

    At the same time the PVDF-HFP maintains the mechanical strength of blends film acting as polymer framework .

  22. H-O氢键的形成使复合物中水分子H-O键对称伸缩振动频率减小(红移)。

    The H-O symmetric stretching modes of water in complexes are red-shifted relative to that of the monomer water .

  23. FTIR结果证实了聚酰胺液晶与尼龙66分子间氢键作用的存在;POM和SEM研究表明,由于分子间相互作用而使共混物成为共连续微结构,没有出现相分离。

    The FTIR results indicate that there exist hydrogen bonding interaction between molecules of TLCP and nylon 66 . POM and SEM results show that the blends exhibit a homogeneous structure , and no phase separation takes place .

  24. 单独加交联剂时主要发生HDPE的自交联,并使共混物形成半互穿网络结构,从而提高其力学性能;

    It was found that PVC was hardly crosslinked when the crosslinking agent was only added , while HDPE was crosslinked and the properties of the blend were improved due to the formation of the semi-interpenetrating polymer networks .

  25. 相倒转又影响了系统中结晶相TMPS晶体的生成条件,使共混物的上述超分子结构参数产生了不连续的变化。

    Thus the parameters of the supermolecular structures mentioned above of the blend have changed discontinuously .

  26. 采用氯甲基磺酸钠(CMSA)使棉织物阴离子化,然后与阳离子壳聚糖(CC)离子交联对棉织物进行抗皱整理。

    Cotton fabric is first treated with sodium chloromethyl sulfonate ( CMSA ) and then with cationized chitosan ( CC ) in order to improve its anti-crease property .

  27. 基于上述结果,预测了使接枝物加工性能达到最佳的交联度。此外,还根据PBA的玻璃化转变温度及接枝物两相相容状况,阐述了接枝共聚物加工性能的变化机理。

    Furthermore , the mechanism of change for the processability of graft copolymers is discussed , and the optimal value of the crosslinking density of PBA is predicted based on the experimental results .

  28. 氮掺杂的TIO2是新发现的具有可见光光催化活性的复合光催化剂,非金属掺杂可以使复合物的复合禁带宽度小于TIO2的禁带宽度,从而使TIO2的吸收边向可见光移动。

    Titanium dioxide doped with nitrogen is a novel second generation of photocatalyst with visible light photocatalytic activity , the width of forbidden band of composite photocatalysts doped with nonmetal is less than that of TiO_2 , which makes the absorption of TiO_2 move toward visible light .

  29. 文中对彩色雪花的涂印方法及染技工艺做了介绍,在染色过程中,加入0.05%~0.15%的VBL,可使织物颜色增艳。

    The pigment printing as well as dyeing and finishing processes are introduced . A brightened colour can be got by adding 0.05 % - 0.15 % VBL in dyeing process .

  30. 研究发现,ZB与MH复配并无明显的阻燃增效作用,而EG则可以显著提高MH在复合物中的阻燃效率,但EG的加入会使复合物的力学性能有所降低。

    It is noted that there was no clear synergistic effect between ZB and MH on increasing flame retardancy of the composites . In contrast , EG could significantly improve the flame-retardant efficiency , but it also led to the decrease of mechanical properties .