
  • 网络Loan for use;commodatum;prêt à usage
  1. 农村信贷市场中借贷行为的博弈分析使用借贷之诉,出借物之诉

    The game analysis on the behavior of loan application in China 's rural finance market

  2. 使用借贷记账规则,确定是借记还是贷记该账户,以反映该账户的增减变化。

    Use the rules of debit and credit , determine whether to debit or credit the account to record its increase or decrease .

  3. 在中国大陆,开发商使用借贷资金大量购地,快速建设住房,常常还未完工便开始售房回笼资金。他们凭借这一模式快速成长。

    In China , developers have been growing fast by buying land using borrowed money , building apartments quickly , and sometimes selling them even before they are completed .

  4. 今年5月,美国信用评分公司FICO宣布在自动取款机上使用的借贷卡遭到攻击的数量创20年新高,各个银行的举措旨在改善此现状。

    The moves comes in response to US credit scoring firm FICO announcing that in May this year the number of attacks on debit cards used at ATMs had reached its highest level in 20 years .

  5. 例如,银行系统中的银行顾客、帐户、帐号交易等等。而且它与系统的实现无关,不管是一个新的电子商务系统,或是一个从19世纪80年代就开始使用的借贷系统。

    For example , a banking system has Bank Customer , Account , Account Transaction , etc. , and it does not matter if this is a new e-commerce system or a savings and loan system from the1890s .