
  1. 3区域资金存量有限;

    Thirdly , limited deposit of regional fund ;

  2. 商业银行在活化信贷资金存量工作中主要存在着信贷结构不合理、信贷退出困难、信贷资产存量机制体系不够健全等问题。

    The problems in activating stock credit fund in commercial banks include irrational credit structure , credit - quitting problem and unhealthy mechanism of credit fund .

  3. 而国际货币基金组织(imf)和欧盟很可能无力筹集纾困意大利所需的巨额资金意大利存量债务规模居全球第三。

    However , the International Monetary Fund and the EU may well be unable to mobilise the huge sums of money that Italy the country with the third-largest debt stock in the world would need in a bailout .

  4. 文中的第六章是对大庆油田跨国经营短期资金的存量管理进行了研究。

    The sixth chapter concerns the stock control of the short period capital of Daqing Oilfield international operation .

  5. 吸收利用外资改组、改造国有企业特别是国有特大型企业,对于解决国有企业发展资金,盘活存量资产,实现产权多元化,建立现代企业制度具有十分重要的作用。

    To reform the state-owned enterprises , especially the massive state-owned enterprises , and to gain the funds for development , to thaw the frozen capitals , and to build the modern enterprise institution , using foreign capital is an important approach .

  6. TOT作为一种新兴的项目融资方式,具有融通资金、盘活国有存量资产、有选择加快基础设施民营化、提高基础设施运营效率等特点,必将在我国政府基础设施领域改革中发挥重要作用。

    TOT , as a new approach and methodology of project financing with characteristics in terms of funds lobby , renewed state-owned property , promotion of infrastructure privatization etc , must play an important role of infrastructure acceleration .

  7. 首先,国会和奥巴马总统可以实施相关措施来盘活一大笔资金,这笔资金目前作为存量,并没有用于投资。

    First , Congress and President Obama can adopt strategies designed to unleash the massive amount of capital that is accumulated but not being invested .

  8. 企业应通过建立货币资金定量控制模型,对货币资金存量进行控制,以满足财务适应性的要求。

    The enterprise can control its reserve of cash capital through establishing a capital ration controlling model .

  9. 从金融的供给角度看,我国的银行系统客观具有充足的资金供给能力,但需要通过融资机制的改革才能把潜在的资金存量优势转化为实际的有效供给。

    From the financial supply view , banks ' potential supply of adequate funding should be translated into actual supply ability through the reform of financing mechanism .