
  1. 前资本主义商业资本改造资本主义工商业,也是办社会主义。

    Similarly , to transform capitalist industry and commerce is also to work for socialism .

  2. 本土化实际上与全球化一样都是在遵循资本主义商业逻辑与文化逻辑的前提之下存在的。

    Both localization and globalization must comply with the business and cultural logics of global capitalism .

  3. 郑观应既有民族优越观,又有民族平等观,二者的对立,在他资本主义商业民族观中又得到统一。

    ZhengGuan-ying 's nationality superiority view and nationality equality view are unified in his capitalism merchandise nationality view .

  4. 作为浪漫主义和反抗资本主义商业帝国运动的预言家,他创作了一系列与之相关的诗歌。

    As a major prophet of the Romantic Movement and of the revolt against the mechanical tyranny of the capitalist world , he wrote a series of poems on these subjects .

  5. 改造资本主义工商业的必经之路

    The only road for the transformation of capitalist industry and Commerce

  6. 资本主义工商业要逐渐引向国家资本主义。

    Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism .

  7. 我们对资本主义工商业采用了和平改造的办法。

    We have chosen the peaceful transformation of capitalist industry and commerce .

  8. 建国初期宜昌城资本主义工商业的社会主义改造论略

    Socialist Reform of Yichang Capitalist Industry at the Initial Stage of New China

  9. 桂林市资本主义工商业的社会主义改造研究

    Studies on the Socialist Transformation about Capitalism Industry and Commerce of Guilin City

  10. 农业合作化和资本主义工商业改造的关系

    The relationship between agricultural co-operation and the transformation of capitalist industry and Commerce

  11. 如何讲述资本主义工商业的社会主义改造问题

    How Explaining Socialist Reform of Capitalist Industry and Commerce

  12. 论李维汉对资本主义工商业改造途径的探索

    On Li Wei-hang 's Exploration into the Reform of Capitalist Industry and Business

  13. 在经济改革中,鼓励发展资本主义工商业;

    In the economic reform , the development of capitalism industry and commerce was encouraged ;

  14. 在城市进行了对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。

    While in the cities we conducted the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce .

  15. 经改组重建后的工商联在对资本主义工商业的政治、经济改造中发挥了重要作用。

    The Business Association rebuilded had important function on the alteration of capitalist economy in socialism .

  16. 论改造资本主义工商业和发展私营经济

    Reconstruction of Capitalist Industry and Commerce and Development Of Private Economy are Consonant with Historical Process

  17. 历史与现实的审视:中国资本主义工商业社会主义改造研究

    The Context of the History and Reality : Chinese Socialist Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce Research

  18. 论湖北资本主义工商业社会主义改造的特点和历史局限性

    On the Features and Historical Limitation of Socialist Reform of Capitalist Industry and Commerce in Hubei Province

  19. 他对中国资本主义工商业的社会主义改造做出了重大的理论贡献。

    He has made great contribution to reform China 's capitalist industry and business into socialist characteristics .

  20. 在经济上,南京临时政府奖励资本主义工商业,促进了民营企业的发展。

    Economically , the Nanjing Temporary Government awarded the capitalist industry and commerce and promoted the civil enterprises .

  21. 大力发展资本主义工商业,彻底改造封建的经济结构,力图建立资产阶级的经济秩序。

    At the same time , they transformed feudal economic structure and made an attempt to establish bourgeois economic order .

  22. 以人为本与施工企业的工资管理资本主义工商业要逐渐引向国家资本主义。

    The People-based Concept and the Salary Management of Construction Enterprise Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism .

  23. 随着民族资本主义工商业的发展,近代中国职业教育应运而生。

    With the development of national capitalism in China , modern vocational and technical education with distinct Chinese characteristics came into being accordingly .

  24. 其阶级斗争思想又有了新的发展,极大地促进了农业和资本主义工商业改造的顺利完成,中国也由此进入了社会主义建设时期。

    His class struggle thought had new development again , greatly promoting the transform of agriculture and capitalist industry and commerce completed successfully .

  25. 新中国成立后,国家通过和平赎买的方式完成了对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造。

    After the foundation of new China , the state achieved socialization of the capitalist industry and commerce through a way of peaceful purchase .

  26. 在这场轰轰烈烈的改造运动中,资本主义工商业尤其是工业的改造,奠定了新中国的工业基础,为中国的工业崛起和发展打下了牢固的基石。

    The reform in capitalist industries and commerce , in particular in industries , laid a solid foundation for the industrial development of China .

  27. 第一,经历了工业的恢复和对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造,兰州工业已具雏形,进入初兴阶段。

    First , Lanzhou had experienced the industry restoration and the Capitalist industry socialist transformation , and then Lanzhou industry was already a embryonic stage .

  28. 民族资本主义工商业实行公私合营了,基本上变成社会主义的了。

    National capitalist industry and Commerce have been transformed into joint state-private enterprises and have by and large become socialist enterprises , though not entirely .

  29. 但是,济南市的资本主义工商业的社会主义改造的专题研究,迄今尚属空白。

    However , the study of " socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in Jinan City ", is still " blank " to date .

  30. 由此,艺术家也对中国当前的社会状况提出批判,讽刺所谓的全球化及国际交流理想,也不过是受资本主义及商业贪婪所推动。

    With a critical attitude towards his home country , he pokes fun at China 's modernization efforts and international exchange , viewing both as nothing but commercial greed .