
  • 网络foreign trade statistics
  1. 亚洲及太平洋的对外贸易统计

    Foreign Trade Statistics for Asia and the Pacific

  2. 保加利亚人民共和国对外贸易统计资料,大约有200万罗马尼亚人和80万保加利亚人身处异乡。

    As many as 2m Romanians and 800,000 Bulgarians live abroad .

  3. 有关对外贸易统计数字的摘要,载列于附录。

    The Appendices provide summary statistics of external trade .

  4. 保加利亚人民共和国对外贸易统计资料,中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法

    Law of the People 's Republic of China on Chinese - Foreign Joint Ventures , the

  5. 澳门对外贸易统计研究

    Research on Macao External Trade Statistics

  6. 澳门对外贸易统计机构发展回顾;

    The main contents are : ( 1 ) Review the development of Macao 's official external trade statistic department ;

  7. 目前,中美双方对外贸易统计都是按照原产地原则进行的。

    Currently , both China and the United States calculate their external trade according to the principle of origin of goods .

  8. 欧洲对外贸易统计联盟工业产品通用名词术语欧盟有机农业产品贸易的第3国名录

    Common nomenclature of industrial products Name List of the Third Countries Collected by European Committee for International Trade of Organic Agricultural Products

  9. 澳门对外贸易统计方法简介,包括:调查目的、调查内容、调查项目、调查范围、调查时间、调查表、统计指标、调查组织、资料收集方法等;

    Address briefly the basic issues of external trade statistic system adopted in Macao , including : objective , contents , coverage , time of recording , questionnaire , statistic indicators , organization , methodology of data collection , etc ;

  10. 第二章简单介绍了中国对外贸易的发展历程,并结合几十年以来的对外贸易统计数据,较详细的从各个方面分析了我国对外商品贸易结构的历史和现状。

    The second chapter introduces course of the Chinese foreign trade , with several decades ' statistical data , it focus on the history and actuality of our country 's foreign trade structure .